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  1. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    POST is set to no-cache by design, so there must be other reason that causes this issue. Do you use AJAX for login? Do you set any cookie for login?
  2. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    Which request method do you use for login? POST or GET?
  3. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    Therefore it is smarter not to use UCSS inline. It is even smarter to use UCSS as Critical CSS, because only CCSS actually improves the loading time. In addition, it consumes significantly less storage space and the storage size of the main document is only slightly larger.
  4. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    @krrish Why do you use private cache with your page?
  5. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    CSS, JS, images and so on are static sources and such sources are cached by the browser and cannot cached by OLS. The browser needs such sources to be cached, not the server.
  6. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    This doesn't matter, because nobody asked for to cache only particular content. Especially since this question does not even arise with OLS. It's only about to make cache available without any plugin. Rewrite Engine is always enabled and there is no need to point this out specifically. Please...
  7. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    @AndreyPopov You do not improve your reputation by repeating previous posts. Therefore, fill us with knowledge that we do not yet know.
  8. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    There is nothing special to run LScache without a plugin, but a cache plugin makes it easier to handle it. Just add this to your htaccess. <IfModule LiteSpeed> CacheLookup on RewriteRule .* - [E=cache-control:max-age=[time in seconds] </IfModule> That's it, but you have to define more cache...
  9. LiteCache

    htaccess not working

    This is not a rewrite rule, so please follow the advice of @Cold-Egg
  10. LiteCache

    How to flush cache for my virtual host?

    @bayardo.rivas With my code suggestion you don't need WP backend access. It's a LiteSpeed and PHP native method and you can choose which cache of which site should be purged.
  11. LiteCache

    How to flush cache for my virtual host?

    If you don't want to call up every LSCWP installation to purge the cache, there is also a quick and native solution for this. Note, however, that the following solution, like deleting the cache via LSCWP, does not delete the cache files. Empty /lscache dir rm -Rf /lscache Purge cache by...
  12. LiteCache

    Periodic Cache Cleanup for Virtual Host Caches

    @KratosGemini Basically, there is no need to delete the /lscache directory manually. LScache has a self-cleaning function that automatically deletes all cache files. However, only for these cache files whose lifetime has expired. Caches of URLs that have been manually purged are not affected...
  13. LiteCache

    Timeout not working: websites go down

    Wordfence has a misunderstanding of what noabort means. This directive is intended to prevent user abort. Wordfence wants to regulate the timeout, but somehow it doesn't want to get into Wordfence's heads. Also, Wordfence's recommended use of the noabort directive poses a security risk, but...
  14. LiteCache

    Timeout not working: websites go down

    @AndreyPopov If it works with OLS, then that seems fine, but keep in mind that this setting applies to all scripts and is therefore a security risk. But I doubt that this setting works in all cases.
  15. LiteCache

    Timeout not working: websites go down

    @Cold-Egg I tested the noabort and noconntimeout directives with the LSWS and OLS in different scenarios. It works, but not in every case and depends on the PHP processes or child processes. An example of this would be a script that converts images using Imagick. In this case it doesn't work.
  16. LiteCache

    No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI application, possible dead lock.

    @Cold-Egg That's very strange. No matter what attempts I read from numerous users, they all come to the conclusion that these directives do not work in OLS, so I can only conclude from your answer that it must be due to the type of script and process. Can you tell me how you tested this?
  17. LiteCache

    No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI application, possible dead lock.

    These directives are unsupported in OLS. Only max_execution_time works in this case with OLS.
  18. LiteCache

    Use OpenLiteSpeed for Shopware 5 or Shopware 6

    Sorry, you are wrong. I have developed a cache plugin for Shopware 5 and it works with OLS. The plugin you link to is not a LiteSpeed plugin, just a third party "service". You can't get the plugin from this provider and you can't buy it either. This is not an OLS issue, but a question of the...
  19. LiteCache

    How to reduce cache warmup crawl time by up to 70%

    If you run not just one, but several WooCommerce sites, then you are inevitably bound to the purge behavior of the cache plugin. This inevitably means that in the event of a product update, not only the cache of the product page, but also the cache of the categories will be purged. This is still...