Did you have the right certificates and key for the sub domain?
For the listener, you need to add both VHost to it.
You need to provide more info for help in detail.
I removed the lsphp template since we added extuser/extGroup for lsphp and also VHost can inherit the server lsphp with ita own user/group.
So you may use the SERVER level defined lsphp directly.
About the $... variables, I need to check the code if we support them.
Can you use the latest stable 1.4.46?
Because we fixed many bugs since your running version.
You can download
And chmod to 755 and run as
./testbeta.sh 1.4.46
to replace your current version to...
It seems some connection is not closed for a long time serving. This is like a bug which is fixed in 1.4.46.
Can you use the latest version and watch if it happen again?
Please check you error log level. In you case, it is so big, maybe it is set to HIGH so that it will log a lot of info.
If yes, you can change to NONE then it will only log a little info.
Even the static file serving, Opnelitespeed should be much faster than Apache.
How is the testing file size?
Do you have cache enabled?
What tool you are using?
Can you provide more info about what you found it is not faster than Apache?
Such as content you are serving, cache module enabled or not, you testing url and so on.
OpenLitespeed currently only runs on linux, Mac, FreeBsd and some other relate platforms.
We do not provide support on windows building right now, sorry.
Thanks for your request and info.
So you still have the example such as 8088 opening?
Can you test the example page which has an file upload test? such as
Does this work?