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  1. D

    Gzip URL

    So did you update the conf and restart it? I just checked, it seems the first page is not gzipped and other css and js files are all gzipped.
  2. D

    Gzip URL

    Just there. "Server Configuration > Tuning"
  3. D

    Gzip URL

    I visited and it is not gzipped. Can you tune on the gzip so that I can look at the content if there is any problem?
  4. D

    Gzip URL

    Can you give me your site URL? I can have a look if request gzip and what will return.
  5. D

    Gzip URL

    I may not understand you well. The gzip compress is only for the response body, not for the header itself.
  6. D

    SSL Fails at 1.4.36 and 1.4.35

    The best choice is you download 1.4.40 pre-built package, it already have the binaries and you needn't to download any openssl version for compiling.
  7. D

    OLS 1.5 rewrites doesn't work in depth path

    Oh, yes. We created static linked binary since now. It can run on all Linux 64 bit platform, and this is the difference.
  8. D

    OLS 1.5 rewrites doesn't work in depth path

    Yes. Keep it. It is very close to the next release version.
  9. D

    OLS 1.5 rewrites doesn't work in depth path

    Can you download and extract to test the binary bin/openlitespeed? Make a copy of your current binary first. Just test if the bug is fixed or not. Thanks.
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    OLS 1.5 rewrites doesn't work in depth path

    This may be a bug that we fixed in 1.4.40. We will release a new v1.5.0 RC soon and it will contains the same fix.
  11. D

    Please offer a way to upgrade OLS without breaking it.

    I see and we will fix it soon. Thanks.
  12. D

    OLS 1.5 rewrites doesn't work in depth path

    Can you give me more info about the rewrite rule? Such as is it in .htaccess and which version of 1.4 and which version of 1.5. We fixed a rewrite rule bug in 1.4.40 which should still be in 1.5rc version.
  13. D

    mod_security fails in ubuntu 16.04

    So you should have install yajl and yajl-devel when build the libarary libmodsecurity.a? After the make, it should give you a result of which module is enabled or disabled. If you find yajl is enabled and now, you get such an error, maybe it is a bug of libmodsecurity, we need to tell them.
  14. D

    mod_security fails in ubuntu 16.04

    Since our Makefile.f does not have the symbol linked, maybe you can try to add "-lyajl -lxml2 " to LDFLAGS and re-make the .so file if you have the dependency libraries installed. This way is try to fix this issue. Otherwise, you can just disbale this module in the webAdmin and it will not...
  15. D

    mod_security fails in ubuntu 16.04

    OK. The YAJL is an optional dependency, I do not know why it become a must and why check this symbol. Will reply you later. Please just disable the module right now. Thanks. David
  16. D

    mod_security fails in ubuntu 16.04

    It seems the module loaded correctly but it runs failed and cause server crash. If disable this module, server should be up. It maybe because the server code and module code do not match. I tested, and never see such issue.
  17. D

    Content-Length: 53, it is error

    It seems something wrong while php is serving this file. Can you change the log level to DEBUG HIGH and check if any errors relative with php in you log while reproducing such an issue?
  18. D

    Huge memory increase after upgrading to 1.5

    It seems openlitespeed may have a memory leak issue. Can you check its usage of memory? If it is keep increasing, it probably is because of this issue.
  19. D

    cache not working

    1, While serving a request, if the response header says 'server can save to private cache', then the private cache function will be automatically enabled, even if it is disabled in setting. 2, While serving a request, if there is private cache saved, server will serve this request with the...
  20. D

    cache not working

    If the response header says server can save to private cache and private cache will be automatically enabled. While serving, if there is private cache, server will serve it.