Apply www-data to the whole lsws folder is incorrect.
Once you changed the permission, better to reinstall OLS in order to apply the right permission to each folder.
apt-get -y install --reinstall openlitespeed
Let us know if it works.
It looks good to me. Maybe you can join golitespeed community on slack( and message me @Eric from there for further check?
You might want to add all domains to the listener > virtual host mappings, and the Virtual hosts> General > Domain Aliases.
Let us know if it works.
I assume you want to use the app server from the OLS context, then please check, let us know if it works.
I think the client/device will choose to use strong cipher by default, and we can still serve the device which only supports weak cipher. If you want to get rid of the 128, please specify the cipher you need.
I guess what @zoddshop means is, if the client/device supports both IPv4&IPv6, then the connection will try to use IPv4.
If your client only supports IPv6, then I don't think it will cause any issues.
1. I don't think so.
2. Currently, no.
3. That script is for Apache mainly, you will need to remove all Apache part and update it to OLS. Or, run the script and make sure everything works, then replace Apache by OLS. with manually configuration.