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  1. lsfoo

    Rewrite issues

    Hi @jivy26 Are you still experiencing these errors? Cheers, Kevin
  2. lsfoo


    Please try upgrading lsphp with apt-get, they should be there now. Note that to get opcache working, you will need to set the following in your php.ini file: opcache.enable=1
  3. lsfoo

    How to issue letsencrypt license

    CertBot compares the IP of the server with the IP of the hostname - is it possible that the NAT is not forwarding the IP?
  4. lsfoo

    Custom error log for VHOST not working

    Hi @ckissi I just tested a vhost level log file and it worked for me. Note that stderr logs are always sent to the server level error log (if not stderr.log) due to it being more of a server level type error.
  5. lsfoo

    How to issue letsencrypt license

    Aha, glad you were able to figure it out! Good to know.
  6. lsfoo

    How to issue letsencrypt license

    @cyberpersons A couple questions: 1. What OS are you using? 2. Is the webroot directory correct? In that is .well-known created in the correct subdirectory? Using our default vhost as an example, it is located at /usr/local/lsws/Example/, but files are served from...
  7. lsfoo


    It should be there, not sure why it isn't. We'll look into that specifically. Looking in our repo list, I do see it packaged for php 70/71, so if you want to use either of those, that could in the meantime.
  8. lsfoo

    How to issue letsencrypt license

    Do you have some rules that may be blocking the request? I just created a test script within a hidden folder and it was fine.
  9. lsfoo

    How to issue letsencrypt license

    That looks more like a warning than an issue - did you encounter any problems?
  10. lsfoo

    How to apply these rewrite rules?

    Hi @ckissi So it's not actually possible to apply those rules specifically. One idea is to set up the protected realm context with a regex URI match instead of just /wp-admin/
  11. lsfoo

    Cannot edit domain alias after domain was created

    Hi there, We'll check this out. Just verifying, you are referring to the domain alias option in vhost settings, correct?
  12. lsfoo

    Wordpress in subdirectory

    Hi @ckissi Good to know that you were able to resolve your issue. We'll look into this! Thanks, Kevin
  13. lsfoo

    Django with OpenLitespeed?

    Hi @cyberpersons Django is a Python framework, correct? Here's a wiki on how to set up python for LSWS. The web admin will be different for OLS, but the steps should be roughly the same. Let us know how it goes! Kevin
  14. lsfoo

    Listener does not work via configuration files!

    Hi @cyberpersons Could you provide some instructions on how you added the listener via config files and then via listener? Also, could you paste what you added to the file directly? Cheers, Kevin
  15. lsfoo

    Multiple PHPs

    Hi @xikebattu A couple questions: 1. It looks like you were running Apache on your .com site. Could you please switch that to OLS so we can check the info page on that? As a side note: OLS cannot read Apache configurations. Only our Enterprise product can do that. If you were attempting to...
  16. lsfoo

    Multiple PHPs

    Perfect, thanks for the information. We'll get back to you when we can. Cheers, Kevin
  17. lsfoo

    Multiple PHPs

    Hi @xikebattu I just want to clarify the issues that you ran into: 1. Per the wiki, you ran the yum groupinstall command and it resulted in the "Unable to load dynamic library" errors. You copied the modules to the new directory, and that resolved the issue. 2. However, once that was copied...
  18. lsfoo

    Virtual host SSL

    To clarify, you mean that you were able to successfully get it set up?
  19. lsfoo

    Virtual host SSL

    Hi @xikebattu Did you set up the certificate for the listener as well? Cheers, Kevin
  20. lsfoo

    Help with PHP install

    Hi @Eric Ladner You can try setting debug level to 10/debug-high and restarting and visiting the page again. The error logs will be produced in /usr/local/lsws/logs/error.log and should give more information about the specific request you made. Let us know what you get! Kevin