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  1. lsfoo

    problem with admin GUI (error 503 {Service Unavailable})

    Hmm. Strange. Do you happen to know where lsphp is installed? If so, could you try running it in the bash terminal? /path/to/lsphp -v, -i See if anything is printed out.
  2. lsfoo

    problem with admin GUI (error 503 {Service Unavailable})

    Do you know if PHP was able to start? It's possible that the PHP binary didn't even start. Could try the Example vhost's phpinfo page?
  3. lsfoo

    ExtConn timed out while processing.

    Those aren't bugs, they're features ;) It's so you know that the server is running and trying to access the real time report files. (y)
  4. lsfoo

    ExtConn timed out while processing.

    Depends on how the testing goes. May be this afternoon, may be later if another bug is found.
  5. lsfoo

    ExtConn timed out while processing.

    Yes, we are working on this problem, an updated version will hopefully be released to GitHub this afternoon.
  6. lsfoo

    ExtConn timed out while processing.

    PHP would be it then. Is it reproducible? If so, enable debug logging and try to reproduce the error. Will have to see what else is happening.
  7. lsfoo

    problem with admin GUI (error 503 {Service Unavailable})

    Hi Seyed, That's very interesting! How much of it is working? Unfortunately, the error log you pasted doesn't give enough information. The admin panel should have its own error log at SERVER_ROOT/admin/logs/
  8. lsfoo

    ExtConn timed out while processing.

    Apologies, didn't get a reply the last time I forwarded the message :whistle: What background app is running?
  9. lsfoo

    How to run php in user level?

    Awesome! Let us know if there's anything else not working quite right :)
  10. lsfoo

    How to run php in user level?

    Hi fidojones, The bug is fixed. Do you feel comfortable installing openlitespeed via source? If so, it is updated on our GitHub. Not sure when it will be available on package managers yet.
  11. lsfoo


    Thanks for the update! Hopefully it'll pop up soon.
  12. lsfoo

    [Help] Rewrite for a image host

    Glad to hear it! Let us know if you have any more questions!
  13. lsfoo

    [Help] Rewrite for a image host

    2016-08-09 17:27:14.122 [INFO] [REDACTED] [REWRITE] Source URI: '/img/pm/P6WJ/2016-07-21_02.html' => Result URI: 'thumbnail.php?pm=P6WJ' 2016-08-09 17:27:14.122 [INFO] [REDACTED] [REWRITE] replace current query string with 'pm=P6WJ' Per these lines, it looks like it matched correctly. Is the...
  14. lsfoo

    How to run php in user level?

    Hi fidojones, Could you pm me the configurations you used? We'll test it out in our lab to see if it works for us. Kevin
  15. lsfoo


    Hi Danny, Please enable debug logging in the server configurations. After restarting, try to cause the issue. After creating the issue, you may turn debug logging off again and restart back. We will need the error log that this produces. Note that after each restart, a new error log is...
  16. lsfoo

    Children die...

    To make things easier, could you list your system? OS: Bit (32/64): OLS Version: Also, a few questions: 1. How did you install OLS? package, from source, etc. 2. Is the crash reproduceable?
  17. lsfoo

    Server tuning connection timeout & websocket proxy

    Hi Raldnor, The max for that value is actually 10,000. Where in the description did you find that? So we can correct it. Cheers, Kevin
  18. lsfoo

    Children die...

    Hi raldnor, Try running gdb on the process with the core file. gdb /path/to/lsws/bin/openlitespeed /path/to/core And let us know what the back trace is (bt in the gdb interface) Cheers, Kevin
  19. lsfoo

    Nextcloud & Owncloud Installation issues with MySQL?

    Regarding the symlink, this wiki may be useful. You can skip the install part as you're installing via repos, but the external app and script handler configuration are what you're looking for. I think we may have figured something out. We tested your command, and found this...
  20. lsfoo

    Nextcloud & Owncloud Installation issues with MySQL?

    Brian, Regarding the nextcloud/owncloud issue, how did you install the php extension? One thought is that if the file does exist, then the .dll extension may be causing problems. Do you know if you can get a .so version?