Search results

  1. Jacky Zhang

    500 Internal Server Error to Login by port 8090

    Dear OpenLiteSpeed, Many thanks for your very Good Products. I like it very much . Today I Login to my server host by https://IP:8090 port . Error is 500 Internal Server. with https is 500 internal Server But...
  2. Jacky Zhang

    Does the the Backup function of Cyber Panel including SQL data?

    Dear Sir, Thanks for OpenLiteSpeed and CyberPanel. I have installed Wordpress by the CyberPanel. Now The Backup of CyberPanel for the Webpress is OK. May I ask it is also backup the SQL Data , the same as ALL-in-One WP Migration 's Function? Or The Backup CyberPanel only backup the...
  3. Jacky Zhang

    Do you have full-guide: how to open or set up SSL https://domain:8443

    Dear Cold-Egg, Many Thanks for your Useful Link.
  4. Jacky Zhang

    Do you have full-guide: how to open or set up SSL https://domain:8443

    By Default , We set up website, we can open SSL with https://domain:443 I do not know how to add or set up https://domain:8443 Do you give me instruction or full guide ?
  5. Jacky Zhang

    What is port 43661 for? Should I Open it?

    Dear Cold -Egg, Many Great Thanks for your reply.
  6. Jacky Zhang

    What is port 43661 for? Should I Open it?

    I use " netstat -ntulp " command. found this : udp 0 0* 358/systemd-resolve udp 0 0* 1067/openlitespeed udp 0 0
  7. Jacky Zhang

    litespeed is not running and Can not Login at WebAdmin, but CyberPanel is OK

    Dear Cold-Egg, Many thanks for your Suggestion.
  8. Jacky Zhang

    litespeed is not running and Can not Login at WebAdmin, but CyberPanel is OK

    # /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl status [ERROR] litespeed is not running. # /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl stop [OK] litespeed: stopped. # /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl start [OK] litespeed: pid=67279. [OK] litespeed: pid=67317. # /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl status [ERROR] litespeed is not running.
  9. Jacky Zhang

    litespeed is not running and Can not Login at WebAdmin, but CyberPanel is OK

    CyberPanel is Ok ,and can Login in. But WebAdmin can not . And LiteSpeed is always not running. Hope you can help me to solve it. Many time to reboot , it is not useful. # /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl reload [ERROR] litespeed is not running. Command is not useful: systemctl restart lsws...
  10. Jacky Zhang

    Perfect OpenLiteSpeed, May I Know which Country It belongs to ?

    Dear Cold-Egg, Many thanks for your Reply. I have just Email you gived. Thanks again for your Support!
  11. Jacky Zhang

    403 Forbidden error on /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php

    I also meet the problem. My LSWS mod_security Module is using cwaf_rules_nginx_3-1.233 powered by COMODO. What I settle down way is add /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php into the file named userdata_wl_URLs at the folder cwaf_rules_nginx_3-1.233.
  12. Jacky Zhang

    Perfect OpenLiteSpeed, May I Know which Country It belongs to ?

    I Like OpenLiteSpeed too Much . It is very very Good. I search My Question at Google ,or Baidu, or Bing, Nobody post or write Which Country it belongs to. I also do not see the ducuments or Guides in Chinese Language. But In China, there is big Market for OpenLiteSpeed. Anybody Can tell...
  13. Jacky Zhang

    How to do Access Control of Virtual Host ' Web Socket Proxy

    Dear Friend, This is my First Post about OpenLiteSpeed's Issue. I want my Website Pages Open or Unlimited, Only limit Web Socket Proxy can pass by the appointed IP . My Web Socket Proxy of Virtual Host is like this: And it work well. May I know how to Access Control the traffic of Web...