Search results

  1. Sanchit009

    How to Install Cloudflare full strict ssl version in openlightspeed?

    Please share the process of updating the cloudflare full strict process of updating the edge certificate. Also, suggest some tips of using cloudflare with openlightspeed for better speed in wordpress. I'm using GCP.. As cloud platform.
  2. Sanchit009

    Your PHP is missing SQL plugin. Please guide.

    So, I have installed the php7.4 in the openlightspeedwordpress and since then I'm seeing this issue. I further deep dig into the issue and came out that it shows that whenever I use http to search the site it shows the error and whenever I use https:// it will load the site. Now the issue is...
  3. Sanchit009

    SQL BinLog is churning up my GCP space. What to do?

    I have recently installed openlightspeed wordpress and really impressed with the kind of speed it provides but still I'm seeing issues with the bin log files. Just like it has in bitnami. Now, anyone please guide me how can I add expire binlogs in my sql configuration via SSH.