
  1. 3xploit

    stuck process downloading ols1clk on ubuntu 22.04?

    bash <( curl -k https://raw.githubusercontent.com/litespeedtech/ols1clk/master/ols1clk.sh ) --update -w --wordpressplus wp.local --lsphp 82
  2. forumblues

    OneClick Install: Unable To Locate Package OpenLiteSpeed

    Hey folks: This just started happening recently with the oneclick installer. Attempting to run it on Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 throws an error: E: Unable to locate package openlitespeed Of course, after that, you get a bunch of other errors. The oneclick installer has worked for us for a...
  3. A

    Multiple wordpress using one click OLS bash

    Hi, I have added wp.example.com WordPress successfully with one click OLS bash, but when am adding another WordPress wp1.example.com. Its not working.
  4. A

    Openlitespeed setting is reflecting very late

    Hi , I have installed ols on ubuntu 16 with one click bash script. Installed wordpress , it is working fine as expected. but when i am changing custom php ini in PHPRC=/usr/local/lsws/wp1.example.com/php.ini . it is reflecting but taking very long time around 30-40 min. even though i have...
  5. A

    Why can't I use the ols1clk.sh?

    CentOS 7.7.1908 I want to use this inofrmation: adminpassword: WebadminP email: Admin@v2ceshi.cf lsphp: 74 wordpressplus: v2ceshi.cf dbrootpassword: SQLrootP dbname: wpdata dbuser: dbwp dbpassword: DBwpasss wpuser: Admin wppassword: WPadminP wplang...