I want to change my domain name for my server.

I have a openlite server for my site. I was using merakigifts.tk as my domain name. But now I want to change it to bonheurgifts.in and I have pointed my new domain to the server IP but now I am stuck at getting a new SSl for my new domain. I had previously generated a SSL with certbot. Please help me with changing the ssl.



First, you need to make sure bonheurgifts.in is accessible before applying new SSL cert. Please ad the domain to the listener if you haven't. May I know how you apply a certificate for merakigifts.tk before?
how can i make it accessible?
Also I am stuck on these errors..
Screenshot 2021-01-28 233907.png
This is my listener page. I deleted my old entry of merakigifts.tk and now made a new one with bonheurgifts.in

Pic 2 Screenshot 2021-01-28 234029.png
I don't know how to map a virtual host . Previously merakigifts.tk and www.merakigifts.tk used to be there.

Pic 3

Screenshot 2021-01-28 234055.png

this is my ssh console. I obtained the last certificate through this method but I did not ask me for the last thing. I don't know where to find my webroot.


1. You might want to set up a HTTP listener
2. Just add the new domain and virtual host to the listener. On your Virtual Host mappings area, click the Add button, then input merakigifts.tk, www.merakigifts.tk in domain read and choose the virtual host you want to add.
3. It's depends how you set it, you should be able to find out the webroot from your virtual host settings page