lsPHP81 Imagick support?


New Member

Will there be Imagick support for PHP 8.1? i notice there is still only packages available for 7.4 and 8.0 (though neither update currently anyway)

@Cold-Egg is there no plans to add the missing lsphp81-pear which would be needed to even build from source or install via pecl/pear ?

root@cyberpanel:~# dpkg -L lsphp80-pear| grep -E 'bin/pecl|bin/pear'
root@cyberpanel:~# apt install lsphp81-pear
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package lsphp81-pear

root@cyberpanel:~# apt install lsphp*-pear
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Note, selecting 'lsphp74-pear' for glob 'lsphp*-pear'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-pear' for glob 'lsphp*-pear'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-pear' for glob 'lsphp*-pear'
Note, selecting 'lsphp80-pear' for glob 'lsphp*-pear'
Imagic is replaced in php 8.x
It's now called GraphicsMagic
At least for RHEL 8
Such as Centos 8 and Almalinux 8.6 and Almalinux 9
Is there any reason why lsphp81-pear only exists for Ubuntu 22.04 and not Ubuntu 20.04?

Kinda strange considering lsphp81 for all other packages exists except the really important one needed for pecl not seeing why it wouldn't work for both versions besides being omitted by accident I hope?

Ubuntu 22.04
Check if you have pear installed which is needed for pecl to install timezonedb
root@testols:~# apt list --installed| grep pear

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

lsphp74-pear/jammy,now 1.10.13-1+jammy all [installed]
lsphp80-pear/jammy,now 1.10.13-1+jammy all [installed]
lsphp81-pear/jammy,now 1.10.13-1+jammy all [installed]
php-pear/jammy,now 1:1.10.12+submodules+notgz+20210212-1ubuntu3 all [installed,automatic]
Ubuntu 20.04
root@olsphp81-hardened:~# apt list --installed | grep pear

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

lsphp72-pear/focal,now 1.10.12-1+focal all [installed]
lsphp73-pear/focal,now 1.10.12-1+focal all [installed]
lsphp74-pear/focal,now 1.10.12-1+focal all [installed]
lsphp80-pear/focal,now 1.10.12-1+focal all [installed]
php-pear/focal,now all [installed,automatic]
root@olsphp81-hardened:~# apt-cache madison lsphp81-pear
N: Unable to locate package lsphp81-pear
root@olsphp81-hardened:~# apt-cache madison lsphp81
   lsphp81 | 8.1.6-1+focal | focal/main amd64 Packages
root@olsphp81-hardened:~# apt list --installed | grep lsphp81

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

lsphp81-apcu/focal,now 5.1.21-2+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-common/focal,now 8.1.6-1+focal all [installed]
lsphp81-curl/focal,now 8.1.6-1+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-dbg/focal,now 8.1.6-1+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-dev/focal,now 8.1.6-1+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-igbinary/focal,now 3.2.7-2+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-imagick/focal,now 3.7.0-2+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-imap/focal,now 8.1.6-1+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-intl/focal,now 8.1.6-1+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-ldap/focal,now 8.1.6-1+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-memcached/focal,now 3.2.0-2+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-modules-source/focal,now 8.1.6-1+focal all [installed]
lsphp81-msgpack/focal,now 2.1.2-2+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-mysql/focal,now 8.1.6-1+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-opcache/focal,now 8.1.6-1+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-pgsql/focal,now 8.1.6-1+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-pspell/focal,now 8.1.6-1+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-redis/focal,now 5.3.7-2+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-snmp/focal,now 8.1.6-1+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-sqlite3/focal,now 8.1.6-1+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-sybase/focal,now 8.1.6-1+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81-tidy/focal,now 8.1.6-1+focal amd64 [installed]
lsphp81/focal,now 8.1.6-1+focal amd64 [installed]
Super whack but can be confirmed in a browser too.
ctrl+f “lsphp81-pear“
Screenshot from 2022-11-20 21-38-10.png

If you look for it on jammy Ubuntu 22.04
Screenshot from 2022-11-20 21-38-05.png