I have OLS 1.58 running on Ubuntu 18. Everything is working with LSCache seems to do well, I like the lazy load. However, it annoy me that the placeholder is a solid gray, I wanted it to be transparent.
I follow your guide Settings > Media tab > for Lazy Load imageholder, I entered the value that the thing suggested for transparent, 
I flushed my cache and everything. However the placeholder on my page is still gray box. I look at the source code. <a href="https://www.mydomainname.com/" class="custom-logo-link" rel="home"><img data-lazyloaded="1" data-placeholder-resp="165x85" src="" width="165" height="85" data-src="
when I translate that data:image using https://onlinepngtools.com/convert-base64-to-png so I can see what it is, it is indeed a gray rectangular box. Not a huge deal breaker, but why doesn't it work? I also notice that the data:image is not even right one say gif in your instruction, the other say png
I follow your guide Settings > Media tab > for Lazy Load imageholder, I entered the value that the thing suggested for transparent, 
I flushed my cache and everything. However the placeholder on my page is still gray box. I look at the source code. <a href="https://www.mydomainname.com/" class="custom-logo-link" rel="home"><img data-lazyloaded="1" data-placeholder-resp="165x85" src="" width="165" height="85" data-src="
when I translate that data:image using https://onlinepngtools.com/convert-base64-to-png so I can see what it is, it is indeed a gray rectangular box. Not a huge deal breaker, but why doesn't it work? I also notice that the data:image is not even right one say gif in your instruction, the other say png