Possible bug with lazy load transparent

I have OLS 1.58 running on Ubuntu 18. Everything is working with LSCache seems to do well, I like the lazy load. However, it annoy me that the placeholder is a solid gray, I wanted it to be transparent.

I follow your guide Settings > Media tab > for Lazy Load imageholder, I entered the value that the thing suggested for transparent, 

I flushed my cache and everything. However the placeholder on my page is still gray box. I look at the source code. <a href="https://www.mydomainname.com/" class="custom-logo-link" rel="home"><img data-lazyloaded="1" data-placeholder-resp="165x85" src="" width="165" height="85" data-src="

when I translate that data:image using https://onlinepngtools.com/convert-base64-to-png so I can see what it is, it is indeed a gray rectangular box. Not a huge deal breaker, but why doesn't it work? I also notice that the data:image is not even right one say gif in your instruction, the other say png
I think there maybe a conflict with the Responsive Placeholder and the Responsive Placeholder Background Color. I just want a transparent Responsive placeholder.
I think there maybe a conflict with the Responsive Placeholder and the Responsive Placeholder Background Color. I just want a transparent Responsive placeholder.
Ok guys, yep that is the conflict. I would suggest that you guys update the documentation for this part. The Responsive Placeholder is conflicting with the Lazy Load imageholder. By turning off the Responsive Placeholder it seems to achieve what I need. Now the code is read as

<a href="https://www.mydomainname.com/" class="custom-logo-link" rel="home"><img data-lazyloaded="1" src="" width="165" height="85" data-src="

It still seems to have the width and height define, so nothing seems to shift around or so I hope.