Problem with installing xmlrpc on openlitespeed 1.5

I can not cope with installing xmlrpc in lsphp72. When looking at the list of installed packages, lsphp72-xmlrpc exists. There were no error messages in the installation on Debian. I am asking for a hint on how to solve this problem.
Mariusz Pulkwski
I checked phpinfo, it is not specified. Only in the core two parameters. When he tries to manually install lsphp72-xmlrpc, he returns information that he can not find the package. The rest is without a problem.
I tried to install openlitespeed on another server on the Ubuntu system, the same was omitted from the xmlrpc library.
Mariusz Pulkowski
By the way, I wanted to ask if there is a possibility to add the SOLR php library (lsphp72-solr) to the repository?
Mariusz Pulkowski
Completing the information about the problem I will add:
I'm working on Debian 9, I tried to do the installation on Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 18.10. Everything with a similar result. Installation of OpenLiteSpeed 1.5 without several libraries invoked during installation. The following listings show what has been installed and what the installation of the lsphp71-xmlrpc module looks like.

The content of modules for lsphp...

xxx:/usr/local/lsws/lsphp72/include/php/ext# ls
apcu dom gd iconv json mbstring mysqli pcre phar simplexml spl standard
date filter hash igbinary libxml msgpack mysqlnd pdo session sockets sqlite3 xml

xxx:/usr/local/lsws/lsphp71/include/php/ext# ls
apcu dom gd iconv json mbstring mysqli pcre phar simplexml spl xml
date filter hash igbinary libxml msgpack mysqlnd pdo session sockets standard
When to start installing ...

xxx:/usr/local/lsws/lsphp71/include/php/ext# apt-get install lsphp71-xmlrpc
Reading package lists ... Ready
Building a dependency tree
Read status information ... Done
E: The package could not be found lsphp71-xmlrpc
xxx:/usr/local/lsws/lsphp71/include/php/ext# apt-get install lsphp71-xml
Reading package lists ... Ready
Building a dependency tree
Read status information ... Done
E: The package could not be found lsphp71-xml
xxx:/usr/local/lsws/lsphp71/include/php/ext# apt-get install lsphp71
Reading package lists ... Ready
Building a dependency tree
Read status information ... Done
lsphp71 is already the newest version (7.1.27-1+stretch).
0 updated, 0 newly installed, 0 removed and 2 not upgraded.
Maybe someone has some suggestion how to install the missing xmlrpc module for PHP on Debian 9?
Mariusz Pulkowski


Hi Mariusz, if you run
apt-get update && apt-get install --upgrade lsphp*
it will update it to latest version with support for xmlrpc.
thank you for the answer.
I tried to update packages and I think there is no xmlrpc in them.

Ign:6 bionic InRelease
Stary:7 bionic Release
Czytanie list pakietów... Gotowe
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Budowanie drzewa zależności
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Note, selecting 'lsphp70-ldap' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-intl' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-ioncube' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-user-cache' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-redis' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-snmp' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-imap' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-ioncube' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-user-cache' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-xcache' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-common' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-gd' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-intl' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-snmp' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-redis' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-sybase' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-apcu' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-ioncube' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-mysql' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-igbinary' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-pspell' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-snmp' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-pgsql' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-gd' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-memcached' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-sybase' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-recode' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-igbinary' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-apcu' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-memcached' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-mysql' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-yac' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-pgsql' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-modules-source' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-dbg' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-dev' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-yac' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-apcu' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-dbg' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-dev' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-sybase' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-redis' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-apcu' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-pspell' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-xcache' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-common' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-recode' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-xcache' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-gd' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-redis' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-modules-source' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-tidy' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-user-cache' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-mysql' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-pspell' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-user-cache' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-recode' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-tidy' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-memcached' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-sqlite3' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-json' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-igbinary' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-mysql' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-xcache' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-common' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-curl' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-tidy' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-igbinary' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-opcache' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-modules-source' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-json' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-ldap' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-sqlite3' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-msgpack' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-yac' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-sybase' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-imap' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-sqlite3' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-curl' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-gd' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-tidy' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-msgpack' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-pgsql' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-yac' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-json' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-pspell' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-ldap' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-intl' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-common' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-opcache' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-dbg' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-dev' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-memcached' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-recode' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-opcache' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-msgpack' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-imap' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-curl' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-dbg' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-dev' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-sqlite3' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-json' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-ioncube' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-ldap' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-intl' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-pgsql' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp72-msgpack' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-modules-source' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-snmp' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp71-imap' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp70-curl' for glob 'lsphp*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp73-opcache' for glob 'lsphp*'
Uwaga, wybieranie "lsphp70-apcu" zamiast "lsphp70-user-cache"
Uwaga, wybieranie "lsphp71-apcu" zamiast "lsphp71-user-cache"
Uwaga, wybieranie "lsphp72-apcu" zamiast "lsphp72-user-cache"
Uwaga, wybieranie "lsphp73-apcu" zamiast "lsphp73-user-cache"
I am receiving the xmlrpc when pointing.

xxxxxx# apt-get update && apt-get install lsphp72-xmlrpc
Stary:1 bionic InRelease
Stary:2 bionic InRelease
Stary:3 bionic-updates InRelease
Stary:4 bionic-backports InRelease
Stary:5 bionic-security InRelease
Ign:6 bionic InRelease
Stary:7 bionic Release
Czytanie list pakietów... Gotowe
Czytanie list pakietów... Gotowe
Budowanie drzewa zależności
Odczyt informacji o stanie... Gotowe
E: Nie udało się odnaleźć pakietu lsphp72-xmlrpc
I admit that I have no idea how to solve the problem. Is it possible for Debian 9 to filter some lsphp modules?
I still question whether lsphp72-solr is reachable?

Mariusz Pulkowski
thanks for the clarification. New always brings some changes. A lot before me. ;-)

I work with the MOODLE platform on a daily basis. Searching for content takes place from embedded elements as a module or activity. I have a lot of didactic content as HTML5 presentations attached as a file to display. It is clear from the reading that only SOLR can index content deep into HTML5, Lesson or SCORM. If we could add lsphp-solr to the package, it would be a lot easier for students. I hope it will be soon ;-)
Mariusz Pulkowski