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  1. L

    Cannot access admin panel

    You can "Start a Conversation" with me, it's private message, won't show on the public forum. note: your server's IP, not your desktop PC or laptop's IP. assume your server's IP is ("#ip a" to know that), just access
  2. L

    Cannot access admin panel

    the SERVER_IP must be replaced by a real ip, e.g. so # telnet do you know your server's IP ? following command can help: #ip a by looking at the firewall output of "iptables -nL", looks not firewall issue
  3. L

    Cannot access admin panel

    >After add virtual host via virtual host template, I can access https://MY-SERVER-IP:7080 . It's said The connection has timed out. likely an firewall issue. check all the firewall rules on the server by: #iptables -nL see if port 7080 is open to access
  4. L

    NOTICE: No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI application, possible dead loc

    what version openls installed ? if switch to other version, the issue exist or not ?
  5. L

    Rewrite rule Johncms with Openlitespeed 1.3

    openlitespeed support per-server rewriterule but not per-directory. for the difference please refer the official document: so put these rules in vhost configuration file but not .htaccess. and need some slight change, for example...
  6. L

    Need help with contexts and rewrite rules for different app installs under same vhost

    for RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /frontend/index.php [L] how about add a line: RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/forum RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond...
  7. L

    Changing Over

    >Do I need to do the same with litespeed. since this is linux file system permission issue, so there should be no change as before. or #chmod -R 755 www >Also as its just me on the server do I need to bother with SuExec yes, no need. non-suExec is simpler and a bit faster.
  8. L

    Subdirectory htaccess

    I think one way is to combine all subdirectory rewrite rules into 1 virtual host level rewrite rule, this is an efficient way for server to handle all rewrite rules. for your case: 1. set document root to current_doc_root/frontend/public 2. virtual host level rewrite rules: RewriteCond...
  9. L

    Openlitespeed in docker container ?

    probably no. there is no "daemon off" like option in openlitespeed or litespeed enterprise -- never heard of it so far. regarding "daemon off" mode in nginx so it's not for production env, should be very slow. I don't think...
  10. L

    Phalcon extension

    Thanks for the sharing!
  11. L

    Phalcon extension

    1. does it work under apache ? it's php 5.5.14, can you try with php 5.4.x
  12. L

    Phalcon extension

    google " undefined symbol: output_globals", got this one: not sure if it's helpful to your case.
  13. L

    Phalcon extension

    maybe load failed ? please check error log, usually it's /usr/local/lsws/logs/error.log /usr/local/lsws/logs/stderr.log
  14. L

    Phalcon extension

    per Loaded Configuration File /usr/local/lsws/lsphp5/lib/php.ini please double confirm you've edit the right php.ini #grep /usr/local/lsws/lsphp5/lib/php.ini
  15. L

    Phalcon extension

    yes, should copy to /usr/local/lsws/lsphp5/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20121212 then restart open litespeed. access the info.php again
  16. L

    Phalcon extension

    in phpinfo page, get the "extension_dir" value, assume it's /path/to/extension_dir/, check if is there ? #ls -al /path/to/extension_dir/
  17. L

    Phalcon extension

    have you added in php.ini ?
  18. L

    SSL HeartBleed Issue

    openssl is statically linked into openlitespeed. so may need rebuild openlitespeed to link the new openssl.
  19. L

    Subdirectory htaccess

    how about simple php page, for example phpinfo.php ? you can modify "External App" name slightly, to avoid same name as server level "External App", and modify "Script Handler" accordingly.
  20. L

    unset Etag Problem - Please Help

    commercial version is ok -- I did tests before. I think this has to be a feature request for current open litespeed: ETAG and/or header unset if you want to resolve it in shortest time, you may have to modify the source code, remove ETAG related code, then rebuild open litespeed.