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  1. L

    unset Etag Problem - Please Help

    I reproduced this issue on openlitespeed 1.2.9 likely a bug for current openls.
  2. L

    503 error when trying to enable opcache

    please increase lsphp5: Memory Soft Limit (bytes) Memory Hard Limit (bytes) big enough
  3. L

    OpenLitespeed cache TTL?

    from openls 1.3.1, it's auto installed.
  4. L

    OpenLitespeed cache TTL?

    listespeed will cache dynamic content(like page generated by php) , don't cache static content(like image, css, js). general guide for cache: cache rules will differ for different forum packages. which forum package will you...
  5. L

    How to block bad user agents?

    open litespeed not support .htaccess so add the rule at virtual level: web admin -> Virtual Hosts -> your virtual host -> Rewrite
  6. L

    OpenLitespeed cache TTL?

    set TTL as longer as possible. depend the content you want to cache.
  7. L

    How to block bad user agents?

    you can use rewriterule. example code: RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "bad-agent1|bad-agent2" RewriteRule /(.*)$ - [L,F] same document as apache:
  8. L

    Congratulations 1.3

    here's the document:
  9. L

    Enable geoip & imagemagick in PHP so it's zend_extension=/usr/local/lsws/lsphp5/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20121212/
  10. L

    OLS + VARNISH = No-Cache

    while I'm still not quite clear about the question, you can run varnish in front of OLS, define Cache-Control headers in varnish. the title "OLS + VARNISH = No-Cache" is not true.
  11. L

    OLS + VARNISH = No-Cache

    don't understand the question. can you be more specific about it?
  12. L

    enable thimthumb ? need recompile lsphp5 with options: --with-gd --with-jpeg-dir --with-png-dir
  13. L

    Magento Security Issue

    if php page is served by OLS directly, the way is to add a static Context to deny access to a particular URL. Virtual Host->Context->Add->Type:Static-> URL:/app/ Location: ./app Accessible:No all access to* will return 403 Forbidden if using OLS as a proxy for Apache, then...
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    Magento Security Issue

    see if this helps:
  15. L

    how to password protect admin area

    this is the document, but no GUI see if it's clear enough
  16. L

    how to password protect admin area

    in OLS web admin, Virtual Hosts->select a vhost->Context->Add->Static to configure it. in OLS default installation, there is "Example" virtual host, you can refer the detail settings by Virtual Hosts->Example->Context-> /protected/ you can refer this recent post as well...
  17. L

    Magento Super Fast x No Compression

    OK. another question: why use apache as back end, to have it serve php ? if have OLS serve php directly, it'll be much more efficient than proxy apache. is there any feature not available at present in OLS + lsphp5 and have to use apache ?
  18. L

    Magento Super Fast x No Compression

    "no compression of images" ? web server won't compress images since images already highly compressed and it'll take a lot CPU time. may be you refer: YSlow->Compress components with gzip and Page Speed->Enable gzip compression can you give us your site's URL so we can curl its response headers...
  19. L

    Password protecting single file with LiteSpeed Contexts?

    I did a quick test, it has no difference between folder and a single file the test example file : phpinfo.php under document root. URI:/phpinfo.php Location:./phpinfo.php other settings are same as folder
  20. L

    Internal Redirect via LiteSpeed - X-LiteSpeed-Location Not Work

    Sorry for replying late. "In the future, if you encounter something that is obviously a bug, the Google Group or GitHub are probably the best places for you to let the developers know."