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  1. L

    Internal Redirect via LiteSpeed - X-LiteSpeed-Location Not Work

    per header("X-LiteSpeed-Location: " . $real_path); here $real_path should be URI instead of file system full path
  2. L

    OpenLiteSpeed and xCache

    not sure if it's a bug relating to 2G limit. try to change soft/hard limit to 1.7G/1.8G, may be OK or change xCache's size lower to for example 32M(no need change soft/hard limit in this case), see if xcache will work first. the soft/hard limit is required and useful in a shared hosting...
  3. L

    Forum display problem - nginx vs OLS

    can you provide the URL ? see if exist on Windows Chrome. best can run both OLS and nginx at the same time
  4. L

    OpenLiteSpeed and xCache

    how about the setting at WebAdmin console -> Configuration -> Server -> lsphp5 -> Memory Soft Limit (bytes) Memory Hard Limit (bytes) ?