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  1. LiteCache

    LiteSpeed Cache prevents browsers to re-validate pages

    @kumiskiri Was I able to expand your wealth of knowledge?
  2. LiteCache

    LiteSpeed Cache prevents browsers to re-validate pages

    @kumiskiri Whatever configuration you change to speedup your page it has no effect at PageSpeed. PageSpeed can't and don't want to measure the loading time. Core Web Vitals measures the display time, but not the loading time. So you should expand your knowledge...
  3. LiteCache

    LiteSpeed Cache prevents browsers to re-validate pages

    No, this is not possible because Ezoic would have to know LiteSpeed's cache status in order to forward the request to your server in case of doubt. Otherwise, Ezoic would always deliver outdated content and would never query your server for changed content. Apart from that and in the case that...
  4. LiteCache

    No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI application, possible dead lock.

    @Cold-Egg I have new informations about noabort and noconntimeout directive, especially a solution if it doesn't work. Interested in this?
  5. LiteCache

    WP AWR Plugin - avif and webreplacment for the LiteSpeed Cache Plugin

    After countless requests to LiteSpeed when the LiteSpeed Cache plugin for Wordpress is finally avif ready, the first plugin for LiteSpeed LScache is the solution. The name AWR stands for avif and webp replacement including Image Optimization especially made for the LSCache Plugin for Wordpress...
  6. LiteCache

    HELP - Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy

    @almadeaventura PageSpeed expects a TTL at least 1 year or 31557600 seconds. Any value that is less than 31557600 seconds will be criticized by PageSpeed. But note that you can only set the TTL for your own sources and not for sources from external hosts.
  7. LiteCache

    What OLS server limit (10 vcpu)

    You could actually answer your own question. Just count the amount of plugins, then you have the answer. This is not an OLS problem, but a problem with Wordpress, or an unavoidable problem with any PHP framework. Reduce the number of plugins to a tolerable level. Then your performance problems...
  8. LiteCache

    503 when setting cookie via RewriteRule

    @Xoogu A cookie cannot be set by rewriteRule. A cookie is sent as header, so you must use the OLS way to set a custom header (cookie) Header add Set-Cookie "mycookiename=mycookievalue; path=/; secure;SameSite=None"
  9. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    The session may exists, but if a page is cached you can't check if session exists. A cached page is just plain text and with plain text you can't run PHP, so your thinking is wrong. There are ways to check this anyway, but with OLS those options are severely limited and not safe. Also, don't...
  10. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    Where do you use these rules? I still see CDN headers at
  11. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    You can only actually debug the problem if you have ruled out all conceivable sources of interference and that inevitably includes the CDN. Even if you have solved the login problem, there are still much bigger problems that are even more difficult to solve. So I just ask you one question...
  12. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    You need private cache for logged-in users. This is important, otherwise you will get new issues. Not logged-in users will see cached content from logged-in users, you understand?
  13. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    The code for the .htaccess is logically correct and meets all the necessary requirements. However, I don't know the PHP code of your site, so it may well be that you either have to change or add something. This primarily concerns that the cookies are set correctly.
  14. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    That would be a conceivable reason! Can you temporarily disable the CDN?
  15. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    No, this is not a rewrite rule and will not work with OLS.
  16. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    <IfModule litespeed> CacheLookup on RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/admin/ [NC] RewriteRule .* - [E=Cache-Control:no-cache] RewriteRule .* - [E=cache-control:max-age=120] RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} set_cookie_login_name [NC] RewriteRule .* - [E=cache-control::private,max-age=120]...
  17. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    For dynamically generated documents: For OLS please set accordingly! <FilesMatch "(\.html|\.htm|\.php|\.HTML|\.HTM|\.PHP)$"> Header set cache-control: private, no-store, no-cache, must-revlidate </FilesMatch>
  18. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    Please post cache-control (not x-litespeed-cache-control) settings. If you offer different languages you need a language cookie with different values depending on selected language. Then you can define a cache vary depending on cookie value.
  19. LiteCache

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    Try this: <IfModule litespeed> CacheLookup on RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/admin/ [NC] RewriteRule .* - [E=Cache-Control:no-cache] RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} set_cookie_login_name [NC] RewriteRule .* - [E=cache-control::private,max-age=120] RewriteRule .* -...