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  1. Cold-Egg

    How to use RewriteMap

    I tried to follow the "Product to ID configuration" section of, and it works. Please take a look, maybe you can try to remove the backslash.
  2. Cold-Egg

    exclude from cache

    You can put "wc-ajax" in the Do Not Cache Query Strings field.
  3. Cold-Egg

    We need lsphp* ready for Arch Linux in x86_64 architecture

    That link is to an aur for Arch which is from a third-party maintainer.
  4. Cold-Egg

    httpdworkers 1 has no effect

    May I know what "this configuration has no effect on OLS" means? Do you want to limit the openlitespeed process to one only or?
  5. Cold-Egg

    upload_max_filesize & post_max_size are not taking effect on the website

    Have you tried to "killall lsphp" to restart the PHP service? If it's still not working, is it possible to share tmp phpinfo page?
  6. Cold-Egg

    Use context for different PHP version

    Hi, Because every file under that folder matches the context, Force MIME Type is applied to all. If you want to match all the php files only, please replace /ticketing/ with exp:^/$|.*\.php$ Let me know if it works.
  7. Cold-Egg

    What OLS server limit (10 vcpu)

    The system load seems pretty low, does the load happens when the page loading slowly? Better to share the whole output of the `top` command so it may show more information during editing the elementor. Does the page loading issue only happens in the backend and not on the front page?
  8. Cold-Egg

    Use context for different PHP version

    You might want to try Force MIME Type in the context, please check for more information.
  9. Cold-Egg

    Unable to enable HTTP/3

    I think a valid domain with SSL certificate is required
  10. Cold-Egg

    Found major bug in OLS

    I saw you raised a ticket, we can follow up from there.
  11. Cold-Egg

    ipv6 listener won't work behind cloudflare

    Hi, OLS support IPv6, but I am not sure if there's any additional configuration required from Cloudflare, please check their guide or you might want to search the similar case from their...
  12. Cold-Egg

    Unable to enable HTTP/3

    Could you test the site on and share the output here?
  13. Cold-Egg

    503 when setting cookie via RewriteRule

    Ok, please send the issue to with this forum post link for further check.
  14. Cold-Egg

    503 when setting cookie via RewriteRule

    May I know if you have the web server restarted after updating the rewrite rule?
  15. Cold-Egg

    openlitespeed cache without plugin not work

    Hi, Cache module is enabled by default, no need to change it. Have you tried rewrite rule to apply cache? See
  16. Cold-Egg

    503 when setting cookie via RewriteRule

    Maybe the rule you tried is not completed, the following rule works on my test server. RewriteRule .* - [] [L]
  17. Cold-Egg

    htaccess not working

    @Elijah419 Try this config in the Static Context, URI .*\.(doc|docx|xls|xlsx|zip|mp4|rar|pdf|m4a|txt|mp3)$ Location /var/www/html Accessible Yes Header Operations Content-Disposition attachment Please substitute the...
  18. Cold-Egg

    deploy app next.js

    ok, if you still have an issue, please share it here.