Search results

  1. Cold-Egg

    How to set auto-renewal of Let's Encrypt SSL?

    Hi @gilles and @simii, Before systemd updates, we can mix up in use with "lswsctrl" and "systemctl" to restart lsws, but after the certain update, it messed up with systemctl. Like if you have a process start with lswsctrl start then systemctl restart/stop won't touch it. Please run follow...
  2. Cold-Egg

    its possible upgrade from OpenLiteSpeed to LiteSpeed ?

    Check FAQ, Please keep in mind that the free starter has 2 GB RAM and one domain limit.
  3. Cold-Egg

    vhosts configuration

    Hi Ian, Have you set up domain mapping for each virtual host? any screenshot that we can take a look?
  4. Cold-Egg

    I got an error after click yes on Let's encrypt certificate

    Hi, Because CloudFlare does not support port 7080 More information:,2083
  5. Cold-Egg

    How to set auto-renewal of Let's Encrypt SSL?

    Hi @simii, I remember Let's Encrypt should has auto setup a cronjob on the system, you might need to add the hook for server restart Edit /etc/cron.d/certbot , and add "--deploy-hook 'systemctl restart lsws' " hook to the end of the default certbot command
  6. Cold-Egg

    Why does OpenLiteSpeed Django app give errors when save or delete very simple model in admin view ?

    Resolved by @artertendean
  7. Cold-Egg

    I got an error after click yes on Let's encrypt certificate

    No, it should have no effect. I see, because you are using Cloudflare which will hide the server name, and the setup script needs to detect if the server name is LiteSpeed. In this case, you can either 1. Edit /opt/, remove line 310 to bypass the validation...
  8. Cold-Egg

    I got an error after click yes on Let's encrypt certificate

    Hi, I guess that you are using OpenLiteSpeed WordPress image. In this case, the prompt script will show again with new SSH if you haven't completed it. About how to check Let's Encrypt certificate on your server, if certificate verification is a success, you should find your certificate...
  9. Cold-Egg

    ipv6 not working

    Hi, If you can reproduce/confirm something is still not working properly, in this case is IPv6, then please send a ticket to so we take a further look.
  10. Cold-Egg

    ipv6 not working

    Hi, I just set up a pure OLS test server and it works on both HTTP/HTTPS IPv6 validation AAAA DNS record 2400:6180::d0:0:0:f8a:3001 IPv6 web server LiteSpeed Only need to set "[ANY] IPv6" on port 80 and 443 listeners. No need to set multiple port 80 and port 443 listeners. I just found out...
  11. Cold-Egg

    packetLen < 0 frequent error

    Can not determine the issue, the message indicates that there was a communication error between LSWS and PHP. Need more information.
  12. Cold-Egg

    how to setup reCaptcha (huge server load)

    Do you see many lsphp processes from the `top` command output? Possible to share a snapshot? Please check the output of the connection numbers netstat -nat | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n Also, please decrease the number of PHP_LSAPI_MAX_REQUESTS, 10000 is way too high.
  13. Cold-Egg

    Failed to open temp file for swapping

    Please check your disk and tmp folder space. df -h df --inodes
  14. Cold-Egg

    Poor Performance and SSL handshake failed(5)

    Hi, It seems like your test client issue. Please prepare your client-server in the same region to avoid any network latency issue. h2load -n 100000 -c 100 -t 1 -T 5 -m 10 -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate' starting benchmark... spawning thread #0: 100 total...
  15. Cold-Egg

    ipv6 not working

    No extra port allowed needed, it should just work. May I know the OLS version? and if this IPv6 interface can be found from the server? ip addr
  16. Cold-Egg

    LScache for phpBB ?

    No experience on this CMS before, you can check LSCache without plugin method and give it a try,
  17. Cold-Egg

    Https greatly increases response time

    Hi @ofmarconi , The number of HTTPS lower than HTTP is expected to me, HTTPS will go through handshakes and encrypt/decrypt key process. It might be helpful a little if you use the ECC certificate.
  18. Cold-Egg

    OpenLiteSpeed with mod_security running as reverse proxy (WAF)

    Wait, it should shows like this if the conf file doesn't exist, isn't it? Then you need to click the "Click to create" button to generate the config file.
  19. Cold-Egg

    OpenLiteSpeed with mod_security running as reverse proxy (WAF)

    I will forward this request to the web admin developer. :)
  20. Cold-Egg

    Site shows mime type application/octet-stream - why?

    Could you help to check if this is a compatibility issue with LSCache plugin? Turn the plugin off and try Elementor again. Also, did you use LSCache with default options?