Issues With Python WSGI

I have followed the guides to setup WSGI including this one.
I'm currently using the hello world script and keep getting a 503 error.
I'm running on Ubuntu 16.04, no special install of the OS with latest stable OpenLiteSpeed installed (1.4.28) and wsgi-lsapi 1.2
Any help/guidance would be appreciated.

This is my error.log

2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [*:8088] New connection from
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [*:8088] 0 connections accepted!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] concurrent conn: 1
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] NtwkIOLink::handleEvents() events=1!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] HttpSession::onReadEx(), state: 1!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] readToHeaderBuf().
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] Read from client: 437
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] Read 437 bytes to header buffer.
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] processHeader() returned 0, header state: 3.
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] NtwkIOLink::suspendRead()...
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] Find context with URI: [/], location: [/usr/local/lsws/Example/html/].
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] Check Symbolic link for [/usr/local/lsws/Example/html/hw2.wsgi] is successful, access to target [/usr/local/lsws/Example/html/hw2.wsgi] is gr$
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] Find handler [wsgiApp] for [.wsgi].
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] processContextPath() returned 0.
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] Run lsapi processor.
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [uds://tmp/lshttpd/lswsgi.sock] request [] is assigned with connection!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] [ExtConn] reconnect()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [wsgiApp] add child process pid: 9482
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onWrite()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] Request header is done
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::continueRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] Request body done!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::suspendWrite()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [*:8088] 1 connections accepted!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.526 [DEBUG] EdStream::handleEvent(), fd: 25, event: 25
2017-12-15 12:28:21.526 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.526 [DEBUG] [] LsapiConn::doRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.526 [DEBUG] [] Process packet header -1 bytes
2017-12-15 12:28:21.526 [DEBUG] [] Connection to [uds://tmp/lshttpd/lswsgi.sock] on request #1, confirmed 0, error: Connection reset by peer!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.526 [DEBUG] [] [ExtConn] close()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] [ExtConn] reconnect()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [wsgiApp] add child process pid: 9483
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onWrite()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] Request header is done
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::continueRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] Request body done!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::suspendWrite()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.510 [DEBUG] [*:8088] 1 connections accepted!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.526 [DEBUG] EdStream::handleEvent(), fd: 25, event: 25
2017-12-15 12:28:21.526 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.526 [DEBUG] [] LsapiConn::doRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.526 [DEBUG] [] Process packet header -1 bytes
2017-12-15 12:28:21.526 [DEBUG] [] Connection to [uds://tmp/lshttpd/lswsgi.sock] on request #1, confirmed 0, error: Connection reset by peer!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.526 [DEBUG] [] [ExtConn] close()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] [ExtConn] reconnect()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [wsgiApp] add child process pid: 9483
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onWrite()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] Request header is done
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::continueRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] Request body done!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::suspendWrite()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] [ExtConn] close()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] HttpExtConnector::tryRecover()...
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] Trying to recover from connection problem, attempt: #2!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [uds://tmp/lshttpd/lswsgi.sock] request [] is assigned with connection!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] [ExtConn] reconnect()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [wsgiApp] add child process pid: 9484
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onWrite()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] Request header is done
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::continueRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] Request body done!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::suspendWrite()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onError()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] LsapiConn::doRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] Process packet header 0 bytes
2017-12-15 12:28:21.540 [DEBUG] EdStream::handleEvent(), fd: 25, event: 25
2017-12-15 12:28:21.540 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.540 [DEBUG] [] LsapiConn::doRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.540 [DEBUG] [] Process packet header -1 bytes
2017-12-15 12:28:21.540 [DEBUG] [] Connection to [uds://tmp/lshttpd/lswsgi.sock] on request #1, confirmed 0, error: Connection reset by peer!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.540 [DEBUG] [] [ExtConn] close()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.540 [DEBUG] [] [ExtConn] reconnect()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [wsgiApp] add child process pid: 9486
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onWrite()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] Request header is done
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::continueRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] Request body done!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::suspendWrite()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onError()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] LsapiConn::doRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.527 [DEBUG] [] Process packet header 0 bytes
2017-12-15 12:28:21.540 [DEBUG] EdStream::handleEvent(), fd: 25, event: 25
2017-12-15 12:28:21.540 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.540 [DEBUG] [] LsapiConn::doRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.540 [DEBUG] [] Process packet header -1 bytes
2017-12-15 12:28:21.540 [DEBUG] [] Connection to [uds://tmp/lshttpd/lswsgi.sock] on request #1, confirmed 0, error: Connection reset by peer!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.540 [DEBUG] [] [ExtConn] close()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.540 [DEBUG] [] [ExtConn] reconnect()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [wsgiApp] add child process pid: 9486
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onWrite()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] Request header is done
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::continueRead()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] Request body done!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::suspendWrite()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] [ExtConn] close()
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] HttpExtConnector::tryRecover()...
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] NtwkIOLink::continueWrite()...
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] Write resumed!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] NtwkIOLink::handleEvents() events=4!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] HttpExtConnector::cleanUp() ...
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] Abort request...
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] Release ExtProcessor!
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] NtwkIOLink::suspendWrite()...
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] Write suspended
2017-12-15 12:28:21.541 [DEBUG] [] HttpSession::sendHttpError(), code = '503 Service Unavailable
Thanks for the prompt response

This is my hello world,
def application(environ, start_response):
        start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
        return ['Hello World!\n']

This is the contents of my stderr.log, although these errors do not stem from running the code and were propogated sometime beforehand and I'm not sure when.
Failed to open temp file for swapping: Permission denied
Failed to open temp file for swapping: Permission denied
Failed to open temp file for swapping: Permission denied
Failed to open temp file for swapping: Permission denied
This is my LiteSpeed SAPI App configuration
Name: wsgiApp
Address: uds://tmp/lshttpd/lswsgi.sock
Max Connections: 50
Initial Request Timeout: 60
Retry Timeout: 15
Persistent Connection: Yes
Connection Keep-Alive Timeout: -1
Response Buffering: No
Auto Start: Yes
Command: /usr/local/lsws/fcgi-bin/lswsgi
Back Log: 100
Instances: 1
Run On Start Up: Yes
Max Idle Time: -1
Priority: 0
Memory Soft: 2044M
Memory Hard: 2048M
Process Soft Limit: 400
Process Hard Limit: 500
Hello again,

If OLS is running under nobody:nobody, please chown /tmp/lshttpd with that. Restart OLS and check again.
Thanks for the feedback,

Under my server configuration it says-
Running As: user(nobody) : group(nogroup)
Should I assume my configuration is correct and there is another issue or could this be incorrect?