
  1. M

    Request for RPM Packages or Build Scripts for OpenLiteSpeed 1.8.1

    Dear OpenLiteSpeed Team, I would like to inquire if there will be RPM packages available for version 1.8.1. Alternatively, it would be highly beneficial to have scripts provided so that users can build their own RPM packages. I prefer not to install binary packages using bash scripts and...

    Looking for FTP solution under OpenLiteSpeed?

    Feel like OpenLiteSpeed currently lacks a suitable FTP solution? Does anyone have any good suggestions? Give me a recommendation!

    Can anyone tell me whether it is necessary to upgrade OpenLiteSpeed to 1.8.1?

    I have just started using OpenLiteSpeed. I deployed and installed OpenLiteSpeed 1.7.19 on the server the day before yesterday. When I saw this version prompt in the background, I wondered whether I should upgrade to version 1.8.1. I looked at the update log on the official website and did not...
  4. RookieDNSer

    Wildcard Subdomains on Third Level Domains

    Setup: Ubuntu, Cyberpanel, OLS Webadmin I have been trying to figure this out for a while, with AI no less, and still can't find a solution. I have a WordPress multisite network with multiple second and third-level domains hosted with CyberPanel/OpenLiteSpeed. I have wildcard subdomains...
  5. eakteam

    Access web interface through domain/subdomain without port

    Is there any way to access web admin through a domain/subdomain directly without putting the port :7080 at the end? E.x: Maybe some kind of proxy or something? Any idea?
  6. E

    Centos9 - Unable to install openlitespeed from repo

    Hello, I can't install openlitespeed from the repository. Broken dependencies # yum install openlitespeed Last metadata expiration check: 0:09:01 ago on Wed 27 Dec 2023 06:49:59 PM CET. Error: Problem: package openlitespeed-1.7.18-2.el9.x86_64 from litespeed-update requires lsphp74-mbstring...
  7. V

    Reverse proxy not working with docker container http:port yes, httpS no

    I can't seem to securely access Umami without a port number. I can access Umami via http://IP:3001 or but not via I have several setups with and without docker containers set up the exact same way via reverse proxy (external app under...
  8. N

    Openlitespeed server accepts https request but throws 404 error on http request

    Recently my domain ssl has expired , i am using certbot to generate certificate , but certbot could not renewal ssl because Openlitespeed accepts https request but throws 404 error on http request with same url , certbot uses http request to verify domain to generate ssl , tried several steps to...
  9. Leavii

    Cannot add subdomain to :80 Listener for default site

    Hello there... again. As stated in the title here I cannot add a subdomain for the default site but only for the 80 listener. I have * added on the 443 listener, and www. works as well for 443. On port 80 however, I cannot add any subdomains to the listener for the default site. I...
  10. Leavii

    OLS Multi-WP Sites Setup

    Hate to ask more questions, but here I go again... I want to use OLS to host multiple WP sites. After the first installation using --wordpressplus is it best to use to deploy the remaining installations, copy the example WP site to a new directory each time, or install WP manually...
  11. HLFH

    We need lsphp* ready for Arch Linux in x86_64 architecture

    Currently, on Arch Linux, /usr/local/lsws/admin/fcgi-bin/admin_php is shipped as an ELF 32-bit LSB executable ; so nothing works.
  12. Leavii

    OpenSpeedLite site conf file not writeable.

    I just installed OpenSpeedLite, and created the conf file because it wouldn't create it and to no surprise it is not writeable. I did install as root, but via sudo if that matters, and it appears the service is running as root. Here is what I have. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 9 22:17...
  13. johnsow44

    htaccess not working

    i want to to force a file to download instead of opening in browser but with openlite speed speed its not working. i have used <FilesMatch "\.(mo4|mp3|)$"> ForceType application/octet-stream Header set Content-Disposition attachment </FilesMatch> also AddType application/octet-stream mp4...
  14. Master3395

    MIME type [application/x-httpd-php] for suffix '.php'

    Every now and then i get this type of error in the logs on my OpenLitespeed setup with CyberPanel. Sometimes it shows up for PHP 7.4 and sometimes for 8.1 and 8.2 Not sure why. Php 7.4 is what i mostly use. Any advice? I saw other forum posts, but I have already tried such. MIME type...
  15. L

    Hello Sir, Need some Help Installing WordPress Ubunti 22.04

    i installed openlitespeed by this guide - HERE VPS- Ubuntu 22.04, can you please guide me next step for installing WordPress in it, please help stuck here since 3 days
  16. K

    Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

    sir, As soon as I updated my website's server today, I saw the error shown below. Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) Please tell us how to fix it
  17. Master3395

    ExtConn timed out while connecting. CyberPanel

    Hello. Almost once every day, the node project i have run with redis. Turns the page white. I have no idea why it’s white. Showing 503 in the network log. And 0 HTML. Using pm2, I can see the app still running. Does anyone have any idea how I can get it back online? I have tried re-installing...
  18. S

    LS reCaptcha Is Not Working

    I'm using cyberpanel with openlitespeed. I made the adjustments from the litespeed web admin panel but captcha is not showing.
  19. Y

    I upgraded openlitespeed runs php version 8.0, I found wordpress litespeed plugin has critical errors

    I upgraded my Openlitespeed server to run in PHP 8.0. It was fine. the website still runs normally on the front end. but when I go to wp-admin. it says, "There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions." Then I checked the email, the...
  20. Jacky Zhang

    litespeed is not running and Can not Login at WebAdmin, but CyberPanel is OK

    CyberPanel is Ok ,and can Login in. But WebAdmin can not . And LiteSpeed is always not running. Hope you can help me to solve it. Many time to reboot , it is not useful. # /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl reload [ERROR] litespeed is not running. Command is not useful: systemctl restart lsws...