Updated to OLS 1.6.7, Password Protected Directory with Realm and Context Not Working Now

Hey Guys, I've found a solution. I'd stored my users file (aka htpasswd) in the /usr/local/lsws/conf/vhosts/mysite.com/ directory. I wasn't using a groups file but if I was it would have been there too. I moved the users file to my $VH_ROOT/conf/ directory /usr/local/lsws/www/example.com/conf/ (NOT the $DOC_ROOT). File permissions 644, owner:group both lsadm. After that, it worked. **Obviously, I had to update the realm in the virtual host security tab to the location of the users file. I hope this helps you guys to.
Hey Guys, I've found a solution. I'd stored my users file (aka htpasswd) in the /usr/local/lsws/conf/vhosts/mysite.com/ directory. I wasn't using a groups file but if I was it would have been there too. I moved the users file to my $VH_ROOT/conf/ directory /usr/local/lsws/www/example.com/conf/ (NOT the $DOC_ROOT). File permissions 644, owner:group both lsadm. After that, it worked. **Obviously, I had to update the realm in the virtual host security tab to the location of the users file. I hope this helps you guys to.
That worked. Not sure what changed in 1.6.7 but obviously something did.


New Member
I had the same problem when I created new virtual hosts from a template. I found out that the created folder (e.g. /usr/local/lsws/conf/vhosts/mysite.com/ had no read permission for the group (nogroup). Vhosts created without template do have read permission by default.
So you have to manually grant read permission to the vhost config folder whne created from a template:
sudo chmod g=rx /usr/local/lsws/conf/vhosts/mysite.com/


Active Member
If this comes down to a permission issue, it would be great to have some kind of error message in the server error log (if it's not there) and a permission error message in the webadmin GUI.
OpenLiteSpeed 1.7.16 -- I've tried these adjustments to permissions to htpasswd. Did not work for me. I would appreciate any other suggestions, please.
Hi guys. I wasted several hours on it. It's a permissions problem in the conf folder: giving the right permissions to each file, directory, for each vhost, even realm files, in root mode. Linux: kubuntu 24-04, Server: OLS 1.7.16. Once the credentials have been entered, they remain in the browser cache and the folder is always visible. How to ask for credentials at each login???