
  1. vevioz

    SSL doesn't work in PhpMyAdmin with openlitespeed OLS

    Hello, Does the openlitespeed panel not support using phpmyadmin to use SSL currently? If so, then please add this feature. Thank you in advance
  2. P

    403 Forbidden Error in PhpMyAdmin

    Hey Everyone, I am using DirectAdmin with OpenLiteSpeed, I have enabled modsecurity rules from Comodo , when I import a sql file via PHPMyAdmin, PHPMyAdmin gives an error 403, so I want to try to disable modsecurity for PHPMyAdmin. I don't know which file should I edit so I can disable the...
  3. M

    can not run phpmyadmin (404 errors)

    Running OpenLiteSpeed on Ubuntu Tried installing and configuring phpmyadmin set up context, listener, secured via Realm etc... Added CSP Checked permissions and ownership getting all kinds of 404's for style and js files are at the location
  4. S

    Getting error 404 in webadmin console

    iam getting error 404 while saving realm, changing uri of phpmyadmin in openlitespeed admin console. virtual hosts>wordpress (It is digital ocean droplet openlitespeed wordpress.) anyone can help me because of it i can't able to secure phpmyadmin...
  5. Crabi

    Error 404 on subdomain

    Hi !! :) i'm trying to get phpmyadmin working on a subdomain, but actually all i have is a 404 error from openlitespeed ! - Debian 10 Buster, - OpenLiteSpeed 1.7.14, - php 7.4.xx Here's my error logs : 2022-01-14 08:32:33.797310 [NOTICE] [25736] SIGHUP received, start count down to stop...
  6. P

    Need a Help for Installing PHPMYADMIN

    Hi , is there any one who help me to install phymyadmin latest version on server level
  7. H

    Unable to export sql database

    Hi, I am trying to export my database which is 200mb, but when I export it only downloads 30mb Any suggestion will be appreciated, how do I download the whole database? Thanks in advance
  8. vandevo

    WP WEBSITE CRASH: “There has been a critical error on this website.” + Can’t log in WP Admin or PHPMyAdmin

    Hey beautiful people, I need urgent help. My website link: I couldn’t log in to my WP Website today. It sent me this message: “There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions. Learn more about...
  9. U

    Replacing table prefix in myphpadmin and wp-config disables WP dashboard

    I have deployed openlitespeed-wordpress in GCP and it just selects the default values in wp-config.php including DB_NAME and DB_USER as 'wordpress" and table_prefix as 'wp_' i changed the database name in both phpmyadmin and wp-config without any issues but when i replace the table prefix it...
  10. O

    How to block access to port 8080

    I use openLiteSpeed 1.65 build. I have several vhosts, and general access to sites through port 80, 433 and 7080 is blocked. Using just IP address gets blocked. But to my astonishment, if one adds port 8080 (ie phpMyAdmin) to the ip, one can access to phpMyAdmin login screen. I could not get it...
  11. Naveen Dsouza

    phpmyadmin not working in Google Cloud's openlitespeed-wordpress Image works fine on fresh install from here but after step three phpmyadmin not working. I deleted and installed image multiple times and phpmyadmin working till adding ssl...
  12. P

    Login Error phpmyadmin on Centos 7

    Hi guys, i'm really new to this linux world. so installed OLS, PHP7 , Mariadb based on this site's tutorials on my Centos 7, and it's working properly. and then i'm trying to install phpMyAdmin, it's also based on this site's tutorial (
  13. Ivan Rojas

    PHPmyAdmin - file size exceeded the maximum size permitted by your PHP

    Hi, First of all i need to say that i like OLS, im new, im coming from WHM Centos, this is my first experiment with wordpress/centos 7 because im looking for speed for low traffic websites. I did the installation of OLS via "one click", everything works fine with a wordpress pre installed...