The package installation is just the same as others, and I just ran a quick test, no issue.
1. Assume you already launched an OLS WP droplet
3. run `ufw 7080`, and visit web admin. Go to Server Configuration > External App, edit lsphp > Command from "lsphp80/bin/lsphp" to "lsphp74/bin/lsphp"
4. run killall lsphp
1. Assume you already launched an OLS WP droplet
apt-get update
apt-get install lsphp74 lsphp74-common lsphp74-curl lsphp74-imagick lsphp74-imap lsphp74-json lsphp74-memcached lsphp74-mysql lsphp74-opcache lsphp74-redis -y
apt-get install lsphp74-ioncube
4. run killall lsphp