
  1. PitouAt

    How to migrate Wordpress safely away from OpenLiteSpeed?

    I've got a WordPress site running on OpenLiteSpeed setup on a Digital Ocean droplet. I've done several site migrations from Apache to Apache and/or Nginx. Normally, the site migration tools I’ve used for other migrations work fine, but this time, OpenLiteSpeed is causing issues. The migrated...
  2. T

    DigitalOcean OLS Wordpress 503 error during all-in-one WP migration import

    While importing my wordpress website's backup as a file (size: 9,39 GB) using the plugin All-in-one WP Migration, the import operation gets stuck at around 50% but it is not deterministic and depends on my upload speed. When I check the console on the browser, it is apparent that this is caused...
  3. L

    DigitalOcean Wordpress Litespeed Droplet PHP 8 Compatibility?

    Hi there, My theme (according to developers) seems to be compatible with PHP 8... I've checked DigitalOcean > Marketplace > Litespeed... it's still "old" droplet with PHP 7.4 ... I don't really understand how to update everything myself, so maybe you can guide me in the right direction? 1...
  4. T

    Ubuntu 20.04 focal dependency issue with libzip4

    I tried to install OpenLiteSpeed today on a fresh ubuntu 20.04 droplet on Digital Ocean as per I can add the repo fine but when I try to do sudo apt install openlitespeed I get openlitespeed : Depends: lsphp73 but it is not...
  5. W

    Site performing poorly with default config from image on Digitalocean.

    Hi Team, I was working on increasing the reliability of my wordpress based ecommerce store. I heard openlitespeed makes my speed fast which it did but now I see that it doesn't perform good on 5 concurrent hits. Kindly suggest if the...
  6. G

    DigitalOcean image uses www-data:www-data instead of nobody:nogroup

    I have noticed the DigitalOcean OLS image uses www-data:www-data instead of the recommended nobody:nobody (or nobody:nogroup). Could you clarify why there is a discrepancy? I am also wondering if it is possible to run multiple sites using the same virtual host template with different users/groups.
  7. L

    How To Install Cache on OpenLiteSpeed DigitalOcean Wordpress Droplet?

    Hi There! I installed Wordpress on OpenLiteSpeed DigitalOcean droplet. Today, I finally reached a CDN Tab in Plugin Settings :) :) There is this: Quic Cloud API - Use Quic Cloud API functionality I found this tutorial on how to properly configure this service...
  8. C

    Updating DigitalOcean cloud image install

    I can see that there is an update available for OpenLiteSpeed (CURRENT VERSION: OpenLiteSpeed 1.5.10 - New Release: 1.6.4) but cant find out how to perform the upgrade process. I have attempted to use but always receive the error: ./ download URL is...
  9. pavan061994

    WordPress Errors regarding Redirection Rules and WP-Rocket Cache.

    Hi, I recently shifted my WordPress website to Litespeed server from Apache - Sysberto[dot]com Issue 1: I had changed my Permalinks from Year/Month to /Post way long and added the redirection from Yoast Permalinks Helper too but now it's not working.. "Rewrite...
  10. onlinetushar

    DigitalOcean/OLS from DigitalOcean/NGINX Migration

    Currently, I am using DigitalOcean/NGINX for my high traffic site. Can you recommend DigitalOcean/OLS? If Yes, Then how to easily migrate to DigitalOcean/OLS from DigitalOcean/NGINX?
  11. L

    DigitalOcean Droplet Domain Change Causing "Connection Refused"

    I changed droplet domain name, it caused "connection refused" and then switched back to old domain. As a result, my website still "refused to connect". Is there any way to "easily" fix it? I created an OpenLiteSpeed Droplet on DigitalOcean, today changed domain name - I didn't do anything, just...
  12. Sandip_Senta

    How To Install wildcard SSL?

    I'm Using One-Click OpenLiteSpeed On DigitalOcen Ubuntu 18.04 Server. I Have Installed SSL Certificate Via Cyberpanal. And It's Working Fine Without WWW But When I Open My Site With HTTPS and WWW ( its showing certificate not valid error.
  13. L

    DigitalOcean Wordpress IonCube is Missing

    After installing AliDropship Woo Plugin I got an error Ooops! ionCube Loader Not found. Can you add some compatibility in the future updates please? Currently I'll uninstall it, cause I can't find anything related to "How to install IonCube on Openlitespeed DigitalOcean Wordpress" in Google...
  14. Jan Pieters

    Which Image to choose in Digital Ocean: CyberPanel or OpenLiteSpeed Wordpress?

    Hi there, I'm new on this subject and would like to get some info from experienced users of OLS on the following images that you can set in DO (under Droplets > Marketplace): CyberPanel:
  15. jakegarrison

    Digital Ocean OLS/Wordpress Droplet Suddenly blocking my work IP (rest of the world works fine)

    Hi There, Yesterday without doing any updates to Ubuntu, OpenLiteSpeed, or Wordpress/Wordpress plug-ins, I suddenly started getting 503 errors when trying to access my website. However, things worked fine from my phone with the wifi off. So, from any computer connected to my broadband connection...
  16. L

    DigitalOcean Wordpress CPU Optimized Droplets Don't Work

    Am I the only who's experiencing this issue? Those who use DigitalOcean know that in their marketplace there is pre-installed OpenLiteSpeed Wordpress Droplet. It works fine, no bugs. However, once you decide that you want custom droplet; General Purpose or CPU optmized - it doesn't work. I can't...