I encountered this issue for the second time. Unfortunately I was not able to check what occupied port before server was rebooted.
Basically port 7080 gets occupied and this results in not loading any vhost. SSH working, all thing, but nothing loads. Logs shows this:
Strange is that it is doing on one particular server. Other with same config are fine. I found out that at the same time there is certbot working. Could it be issue? Any idea how to prevent it?
I encountered this issue for the second time. Unfortunately I was not able to check what occupied port before server was rebooted.
Basically port 7080 gets occupied and this results in not loading any vhost. SSH working, all thing, but nothing loads. Logs shows this:
2020-09-24 03:56:31.827112 [ERROR] HttpListener::start(): Can't listen at address adminListener: Address already in use!
2020-09-24 03:56:31.827769 [ERROR] HttpServer::addListener(adminListener) failed to create new listener
2020-09-24 03:56:31.827784 [ERROR] [config:admin:listener:adminListener] failed to start listener on address *:7080!
2020-09-24 03:56:31.827793 [ERROR] [config:admin:listener] No listener is available for admin virtual host!
2020-09-24 03:56:31.827825 [ERROR] Fatal error in configuration, exit!
2020-09-24 03:56:31,436:DEBUG:certbot.storage:Writing new private key to /etc/letsencrypt/archive/domain.com/privkey4.pem.
2020-09-24 03:56:31,436:DEBUG:certbot.storage:Writing certificate to /etc/letsencrypt/archive/domain.com/cert4.pem.
2020-09-24 03:56:31,436:DEBUG:certbot.storage:Writing chain to /etc/letsencrypt/archive/domain.com/chain4.pem.
2020-09-24 03:56:31,436:DEBUG:certbot.storage:Writing full chain to /etc/letsencrypt/archive/domain.com/fullchain4.pem.
2020-09-24 03:56:31,457:DEBUG:certbot.storage:Writing new config /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/domain.com.conf.new.
2020-09-24 03:56:31,460:INFO:certbot.hooks:Running deploy-hook command: /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl restart
2020-09-24 03:56:34,531:INFO:certbot.hooks:Output from lswsctrl:
[OK] litespeed: pid=9703.
[OK] litespeed: pid=9729.