I upgraded openlitespeed runs php version 8.0, I found wordpress litespeed plugin has critical errors

I upgraded my Openlitespeed server to run in PHP 8.0. It was fine. the website still runs normally on the front end. but when I go to wp-admin. it says, "There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions." Then I checked the email, the WordPress said, "WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, LiteSpeed Cache." then I deleted the LiteSpeed plugin and installed it again and the website ran normally. but then, I got the error message again.



I think it's a bug in v5.0.0.1 and it crashes in some cases. Please use FTP or file manager, go to /wp-content/plugins, rename directory litespeed-cache to something else, like litespeed-cache1 , this will force WP to unload the plugin and make you be able to login to wp-admin
After that, please go to the plugin page, delete LSCWP and re-install with the latest version and the issue should be gone.