Which Image to choose in Digital Ocean: CyberPanel or OpenLiteSpeed Wordpress?

Hi there,

I'm new on this subject and would like to get some info from experienced users of OLS on the following images that you can set in DO (under Droplets > Marketplace):

CyberPanel: https://cloud.digitalocean.com/marketplace/5c1c0609abd08a51bda78d36?i=c26146&referrer=droplets/new
OpenLiteSpeed WordPress https://cloud.digitalocean.com/marketplace/5bedf85f599f95343bfaecfc?i=c26146&referrer=droplets/new

I would like to migrate a Wordpress website on one of these droplets but I am not sure which to choose. My Wordpress /Woocommerce webshop receives about 1000 visitors per month.

My questions are:

Are both droplets secure out of the box? Do I need to take extra security actions after installing the droplets?
Is 2 way authentication standard possible in Cyberpanel? If not, how can I implement this?
Do I need to update the droplets my self (like serverpilot does)? Or can this be done automatically?

Thanks in Advance!


Hi @Jan Pieters .

Both images are base on openLiteSpeed Web Server, so performance should be likely the same.
OpenLiteSpeed image allows you to setup more virtual host for sure and Cyberpanel provide more management functions for you to setup multiple domains, auto SSL, email, migrate to LSWS ..etc.

So if you have just one wordpress site and no plan to switch to LiteSpeed Enterprise in the future, you can just use OpenLiteSpeed WordPress image.

We tried to make all images as secure as possible, e.g. only necessary ports are opened.
I am not sure about if 2FA implement already or not, https://forums.cyberpanel.net/discussion/1198/2fa-in-cyberpanel-cloud
Do you mean packages update or OS upgrade?
