
  1. EagleDotNet

    NGINX reverse proxy header to openlitespeed

    how i can add NGINX reverse proxy header to openlitespeed ? location / { proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header CF-Conncting-IP $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host...
  2. T

    How to redirect “http:// serverip:8090” to “https://hostname :8090”

    Hello everyone, As we all know, we have 2 ways to access cyberpanel, server ip and hostname. Since the url "http://serverip:8090" is not safe, I worry someone will use it to do bad things. So, I would like to redirect “http://serverip:8090” to "https://hostname :8090”. Can any friend...
  3. RookieDNSer

    Wildcard Subdomains on Third Level Domains

    Setup: Ubuntu, Cyberpanel, OLS Webadmin I have been trying to figure this out for a while, with AI no less, and still can't find a solution. I have a WordPress multisite network with multiple second and third-level domains hosted with CyberPanel/OpenLiteSpeed. I have wildcard subdomains...
  4. Master3395

    MIME type [application/x-httpd-php] for suffix '.php'

    Every now and then i get this type of error in the logs on my OpenLitespeed setup with CyberPanel. Sometimes it shows up for PHP 7.4 and sometimes for 8.1 and 8.2 Not sure why. Php 7.4 is what i mostly use. Any advice? I saw other forum posts, but I have already tried such. MIME type...
  5. A

    How to install php 7.2-7.3 in OSLte -Ubuntu 22.04 ?

    Hi, I'm running OLSpd 1.7.16 on Ubuntu 22.04 (under CyberPanel 2.3) and I only get php 7.4 up to 8.0 I need 7.2 and 7.3 and I tried the post below, nothing worked. I'm aware that these old versions may not be available in Ubuntu 22 -so I tried to install them manually. I run below as root...
  6. cybepanelolspeed

    OLS stoped working on Cyberpanel from last night

    Hi last night suddenly OLS stoped working on my cyberpanel server, The log file is : 1-I got these errors when opening the https://<my ip address>:7080 : dial tcp <my ip address>connect: connection refused or...
  7. L

    wordpress generated .htaccess doesn't work

    I have migrated wordpress website for my client to VPS with Cyberpanel, but I have issue with .htaccess that doesn't work. I checked in multiple configurations but not much worked. Could somebody help me? My .htaccess file content: ``` # BEGIN WP Rocket v3.11.3 # Use UTF-8 encoding for anything...
  8. A

    Wordfence WAF on CyberPanel/OLS?

    Has *anyone* actually gotten this to work? I've read forum post after forum post on how to get the WordFence Web Application Firewall working on a CyberPanel/OpenLiteSpeed installation and NONE OF IT WORKS. No matter what I try, the Wordfence WAF "optimize your firewall" nags continue, and the...
  9. ispDashBoard

    Web-Based Management DashBoard For openLiteSpeed

    Dear All, I am wondering which free admin dashboards [cyberpanel, aapanel, ispconfig] are available to manage openlitespeed services. CyberPanel and DirectAdmin for sure are capable of doing this. Some time ago I created my own ' Hosting Manager' service which is - for now -...
  10. B

    VPS Symfony app - error 404 except on root route

    I have a Symfony app deployed on VPS Cyberpanel which was working fine but not anymore, as it goes. The root route ("/") is working fine and reaching the Symfony app files. I can also fetch other files sitting on the /public_html directory, like images. The error I am getting does not seem to...
  11. ankit_nagpal

    Unable to add public_html folder to a group

    I am using CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed with one domain, like: If I add a public_html folder of the domain to a user group, the domain starts giving "too many redirects" error. For example: Command: ls -la /home/ returns: drwxr-x--- 6 exam4939 nogroup 4096 Dec 15...
  12. ankit_nagpal

    Unable to add public_html folder to a group

    I am using CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed with one domain, like: If I add a public_html folder of the domain to a user group, the domain starts giving "too many redirects" error. For example: Command: ls -la /home/ returns: drwxr-x--- 6 exam4939 nogroup 4096 Dec 15...
  13. H

    Unable to export whole database

    Hi, I am trying to export a mysql database from phpmyadmin which is 200mb, but when I export it only downloads 30mb Any suggestion will be appreciated, how do I download the whole database? "The size of dynamic response body is over the limit, response is truncated by web server. The limit is...
  14. H

    Unable to export sql database

    Hi, I am trying to export my database which is 200mb, but when I export it only downloads 30mb Any suggestion will be appreciated, how do I download the whole database? Thanks in advance
  15. KRV

    How to make some redirect

    I have problem: the URL-address on my website is available at two URLs: and Please tell me how to make a redirect in Webadmin Console, that do automatic redirect from /.seo/ to /seo/ At the moment I can't understand why these doubles exist and how to find a...
  16. G

    Need advice on OLS config (520 errors + "please increase LSAPI_CHILDREN")

    I am running a few Wordpress websites with Cyperpanel (v2.0) and OLS (v1.7.5) on an Ubuntu 20.04 server (4GB, 2 vCPUs) at DigitalOcean. There are also a couple of nodeJS apps running on the same server. I just recently set up all the sites. I am the one generating most of the traffic right now...
  17. C

    Cyberpanel + OLS WP multisite issues

    Hi, I've looked through the whole forum, but cannot get things to work. I have a fresh install of Wordpress, enabled multisite, updated the htacccess and wp-config. My subsite ([] and both show in Wordpress network admin. I've searched a bit, and found that I have to...
  18. M

    Cyberpanel + OLS on AWS lightsail

    Is it possible to install Cyberpanel + OpenLightSpeed on AWS lightsail? I am currently using Cyberpanel + OLS on AWS EC2 which is working too good. But to reduce cost I am thinking to move to Lightsail but I don't want to leave Cyberpanel and OLS. Can anybody here to clear my confusion? It will...
  19. A

    Help rewrite .htaccess under Openlitespeed

    Have a good time! I have this .htaccess with this kind of content: DirectoryIndex index.php index.html ErrorDocument 404 /404.html ErrorDocument 403 /403.html <Files .*> <IfModule !mod_access_compat.c> Require all denied </IfModule> <IfModule mod_access_compat.c>...
  20. soliman18eg

    What is the complete difference beetwen OpenLiteSpeed & LiteSpeed Enterprise? OLS vs LSWS

    I am planning to use AWS for hosting and cyberpanle with just OLS yet not sure. the site will be E commerce use woocommerce on wordpress. and lots of user who are going to have forum and posts. some kind of marketplace. as we see that Cyber Panel has free OLS and in some articles showing the...