
  1. vevioz

    SSL doesn't work in PhpMyAdmin with openlitespeed OLS

    Hello, Does the openlitespeed panel not support using phpmyadmin to use SSL currently? If so, then please add this feature. Thank you in advance
  2. turksem

    Unexpected Error Encountered! See ls_webcachemgr.log for more information.

    Hello everyone, When we want to activate the Litespeed Web Cache plugin on via Cpanel, it gives the following error. "Unexpected Error Encountered! See ls_webcachemgr.log for more information." Could it be because we are using WordPress caching plugin Wp Rocket? Thank you.
  3. imjohnreynolds

    Page cache is not detected and the server response time is slow

    We have an error in the WordPress site showing this "Page cache is not detected and the server response time is slow" Page cache enhances the speed and performance of your site by saving and serving static pages instead of calling for a page every time a user visits. Page cache is detected by...
  4. K

    Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

    sir, As soon as I updated my website's server today, I saw the error shown below. Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) Please tell us how to fix it
  5. S

    OLS start automatic after some time

    I have killed all the processes and stopped the openlitespeed but it will start service automatically after some time. can you tell me how to solve this any guide?
  6. Aaditya-Goenka

    Regarding the Docker OLS WP 1 click install

    1) I am running docker on Windows with UBUNTU 18.04 WSL 2) We are unable to run the shell scripts like / : error--> shell script $' r' command not found
  7. J

    mmap() failed: [12] Cannot allocate memory

    Hi Just moved to OpenLiteSpeed and I'm seeing an error occur many times in the stderr.log file. The system seems to have plenty of memory available so think this might be related to a server setting. Could anyone point me the right direction to where that might be? mmap() failed: [12] Cannot...
  8. Master3395

    Custom Errors not loading CyberPanel + Cmsms

    Hello. I have set up my VPS with CyberPanel, and it uses OpenLiteSpeed. I have then installed Cmsms to be my "cms" solution, just like WordPress. But I'm facing an issue where pages that do not exist, show a blank page with the code 200. Saying that the page works fine. But in reality, it would...
  9. maksvel

    QUIC won't start, saying "Not support [quicenable 1]"

    I've tested it on both Ubuntu 18.4 and CentOS 6.6. Installed from repo, same thing from the binary. Installed good certificate, HTTP/2 works ok. I tried setting QUIC "On" on all three places (Server Tuning, Listener, Virtual Host) and still no udp listener activated, just admin (7080) and TCP...
  10. ardan7779

    Within minutes returned Error 404, and a few minutes later returned to normal again.

    I'm having a problem where one of my websites often experience Error 404. But at other times it also runs normally. Within minutes returned Error 404, and a few minutes later returned to normal again. This problem occurs again even though the cache has been cleared. Even switching to another...
  11. L

    DigitalOcean Droplet Domain Change Causing "Connection Refused"

    I changed droplet domain name, it caused "connection refused" and then switched back to old domain. As a result, my website still "refused to connect". Is there any way to "easily" fix it? I created an OpenLiteSpeed Droplet on DigitalOcean, today changed domain name - I didn't do anything, just...
  12. H

    2 error show in OpenLiteSpeed panel

    Hello, I have 2 error issues Message on OpenLiteSpeed. How resolve those issues ? Can any one help me ? Thanks
  13. P

    Login Error phpmyadmin on Centos 7

    Hi guys, i'm really new to this linux world. so installed OLS, PHP7 , Mariadb based on this site's tutorials on my Centos 7, and it's working properly. and then i'm trying to install phpMyAdmin, it's also based on this site's tutorial (
  14. H

    One Click WordPress installation not working on Vultr

    Hi, I have tried 5 times to installed WordPress on new Vultr VPS but every time I am getting the following error. Finished setting up WordPress. Finished MySQL setup without error. Trying to stop some web servers that may be using port 80. [OK] litespeed: pid=4450. Please be aware that your...
  15. P

    MIME editor does not work

    In CentOS 7.4 64-bit, Openlitespeed 1.4.30 Server Configuration > General -> MIME Type Definition When editing MIME types there, there is an error whenever there is a comma-delimited mime type. For example: edit "ai, eps" and just hit save: ai, eps invalid format - ai, eps, syntax is...
  16. tenoch89

    Wordpress Multisite Error

    Hey people, been using OpenLiteSpeed with Cyberpanel and love it and it works on all my sites, however there is a small problem I'm running into with Wordpress Multisite. Every time I try to connect to the dashboard of one of the sites on the multisite, it gives me a Too Many Redirects error. It...
  17. slowaways

    Error in compiling (Debian 9)

    make[2]: *** No rule to make target '../ssl/libssl.a', needed by 'openlitespeed'. Stop. I have the following libs installed: My current script intallation: