
  1. X

    SSL certs from MYSQL

    I love OpenLiteSpeed and plan to use it in future and now I'm faced with a big problem, is it possible to manage SSL for virtual hosts not from separate files but from one database? And also how to manage "home dir" for vhosts from MYSQL too? is it possible here? Thanks in advance Regards, Alex
  2. U

    SSL Configuration - Full Chain and Ciphers

    Having difficulty changing my configuration for the following: Add the Full Chain into the certificate Specify the Ciphers so that 'weak' ones are not enabled Following advice from other posts the below was done but it's not working! Can anyone help please?
  3. vevioz

    SSL doesn't work in PhpMyAdmin with openlitespeed OLS

    Hello, Does the openlitespeed panel not support using phpmyadmin to use SSL currently? If so, then please add this feature. Thank you in advance
  4. eakteam

    Access web interface through domain/subdomain without port

    Is there any way to access web admin through a domain/subdomain directly without putting the port :7080 at the end? E.x: Maybe some kind of proxy or something? Any idea?
  5. E

    SSL - Client Verification not working

    Hello, I'm testing "SSL-Client Verification" in openlitespeed and it doesn't work. My config: But the exact same SSL configuration (for vhost and Listener) in litepseed enterprise works fine.
  6. G

    How do I access LiteSpeed WebAdmin from my Cloudflare connected domain and how ssl it?

    I can connect to port 7080 with my ip address, but not with my domain name. I have set the ssl certificate what should I do ?
  7. J

    Error caused by lsphp-curl

    Hi, I am using Ubuntu 20.04 and lsphp74-curl is the latest version 7.4.26-1+focal. I had the same problem with them, lsphp74-curl was causing wordpress curl errors, wordpress can't communicate with external source. Problematic versions...
  8. W

    SSL issued to

    Hello All, I've tried all the SSL troubleshooting steps but still the SSL is always issued to Even when it is issued to host, it is the same. I deleted the website, removed all DNS entried from Cloudflare. Only pointed the domain without proxy. Turned Off SSL on CloudFlare...
  9. M4ketech

    One click installation - Port 7080 Connection timeout

    Hello, Im having problem with connecting to dashboard. When i type my server IP:7080 i get "Warning: Potential security risk". I click continue, it redirects me to and i get "Connection timeout". Ubuntu: 20.04 IP:
  10. Rinart73

    SSL certificate marked as secure for www and insecure without www

    I got Let's Encrypt certificates for both versions: with and without www. Hovewer for some reason Chrome thinks that my non-www version is insecure (even though certificate is valid) while version with www is secure. Can anybody help to resolve this? I'm willing provide more info. OpenLiteSpeed...
  11. Rishabh

    Help needed! I am unable to access www becz of ssl issues

    Guys someone help pls.. I have installed ssl using "Certbot" successfully during openlitespeed first setup.. Here's the url - but.. i want to add ssl on too.. becz at the moment i am unable to access with "www" :(
  12. saz99

    How to Install CloudFlare edge certificate on open Litespeed wordpress?

    I am running Openlitespeed WordPress (installed through the Linode marketplace) with Ubuntu 20.04 on a Linode VPS. Although, the setup automatically installs let's Encrypt certificate on the server, I want to switch it to Cloudflare 15 year certificate. How do I do it?
  13. R

    SSL Certifcate issue

    I am new to openlitespeed . I installed ssl successfully through openlite web panel. is fine as first first photo i have attached. but is not fine as 2nd photo. This is not issue of cookies i have tried already. Could anyone please tell me how to...
  14. W

    SSL Web Socket proxy bug

    Hello, This is my first post here, and unfortunately a bug report. I recently had to rebuild a large project and I decided to switch from NGINX to LSWS on all the web servers in the cluster. Part of this move was also using LSWS Web Socket proxy since it looked so promising. However, it seems...
  15. J

    Fixed ECDH Key Exchange does not work

    I used litespeed and openlitespeed. I found that when setting the ssl certificate in these two, I chose to open the ECDH Key Exchange, and then checked in and found that ECDH did not take effect. The result is ECDH public server param reuse No. I don't know how to fix it.
  16. A

    openlitespeed ssl with multiple Domain

    Hi Everyone! Our Client Welding tools site Want Cloudflare Full SSL , Currently We Using Openlitespeed with cloudflare Flexiable ssl But I Changed to Full SSL on Cloudflare , Our Site Showing "Server not connect" error So , How to Connect Multiple site on...
  17. S

    How to set auto-renewal of Let's Encrypt SSL?

    I have an AWS EC2 instance running OpenLiteSpeed, with multiple sites/domains hosted on it. Everything works fine, but is there a way to set up the auto-renewal of SSL certificates (Let's Encrypt ones)?
  18. anderson916

    Poor Performance and SSL handshake failed(5)

    I am using OpenLiteSpeed + Wordpress + LiteSpeed Cache ( I don't know why the performance is terrible. Also, when I do load tests, many "SSL handshake failed (5)" errors appear. For the SSL certificate, I got it from Let's...
  19. mrc88

    Apache (GoDaddy) SSL certificate

    Hi, I'm migrating from Apache to OpenLiteSpeed. I use GoDaddy for the SSL certificate. Is it possible to insert Apache SSL certificate (.key and .crt) on OpenLiteSpeed? I inserted the .Key file and the .crt file but it is not recognized. How can I solve the problem? Thanks
  20. G

    Newbie trying to configure OpenLiteSpeed as Reverse Proxy. Any help appreciated!

    My current server configuration (for a Wordpress site) is Cloudflare + Apache. I want to include OpenLiteSpeed (configured as a reverse proxy) as additional cache optimization to the Apache server (Cloudflare -> OLS -> Apache). I've already installed OpenLiteSpeed in my VPS server, but my...