Search results

  1. L

    .woff issues

    Hello, From the GTmetrix test, it appears that the .woff (and .woff2) file type is not specified in the cache policy, although I have the following in the .htaccess fragment: ## LITESPEED WP CACHE PLUGIN - Do not edit the contents of this block! ## ### marker BROWSER CACHE start ### <IfModule...
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    External media optimization

    Hello, I have two different use cases of images not in the media library, and the problem is identical -> unoptimized images. 1) Images used by third-party plugins, in this case, to display currency (/wp-content/plugins/currency-switcher-woocommerce-pro/assets/images/flag-icons/us.png). 2)...
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    OpenLiteSpeed Jetpack connection error

    Hello, Does anyone know why Jetpack has a connection error and how to fix it?
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    Let's Encrypt OCSP Stapling

    Hello, I found that docs for Let's Encrypt OCSP Stapling is quite hard to understand. For me is unclear two main points: 1) Should we enable OCSP Stapling in existing WordPress Listener (sounds logical for me) or we should to add new Listener (like docs indicate)? 1a) If we need to add...
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    Correct Ciphers question

    Hello, How to disable all Ciphers <= 128 and active only Ciphers >= 256? P.S. - In Web Console, Tips kind of claim that it is disabled ("We recommend leaving this field blank to use our default cipher which follows SSL cipher best practices."), but it is not, as Ciphers <= 128 should be disabled.
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    SSL forcing 4096

    Hello, To force 4096-bit RSA, is it enough just to add aat the end '4096 or should be also included -f? So, certbot certonly --non-interactive --agree-tos -m --webroot -w /var/www/certbot -d 4096 or certbot certonly --non-interactive --agree-tos -m
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    OpenLiteSpeed on FreeBSD?

    Hello, Since LSVS supports installation on FreeBSD, I wonder if OLS does as well. In particular, does OLS support a 1-click installation?
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    WordPress brute-force attack advice (question)

    Hello, As OLS (contrary to LSWS) coming without brute-force attack protection and I would like to avoid WP security plugins, I would like to know is it any idea about other options to apply WP BFA protection?
  9. L question

    Hello, I'm trying nano /usr/local/lsws/wordpress/loaderio-xxx.txt However, not accept verification. Any idea what could be the issue?
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    ionCube24 question

    I'm slightly confused (especially as nothing works for me). Should I use for ionCube installation: 1) FIRST METHOD sudo apt install lsphp81-ioncube -y killall lsphp P.S. - Is it all??? 2) or SECOND METHOD at...
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    Default WordPress 404 page is replaced by OLS 404 page

    I think that title explain well the issue. So, what to do to enable display of default WordPress 404 page (set by theme) instead of OLS 404 page?
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    IONOS and SSL certificate issue

    I have domain purchased on IONOS and they have one horrible practice. They blocked (only for main) domain LE SSL authorisation and there is no option to remove it by IONOS. So, we have two options and I would like to have some guidance about both (if it is possible) for case to use it on cloud...
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    Recommended WordPress security headers

    Are there recommended (for a typical site) security header configuration values somewhere in the documentation (or personal recommendation as well)?
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    Disabling directory listing

    I have two questions (in one). Where we should to place "disable directory listing" rule and can we use original Apache syntax (or should be avoided " IfModule" part?)? Below is <IfModule mod_autoindex.c> Options -Indexes </IfModule> example.
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    Firewall Rules

    Hello, I have two questions (in one). Where we should to place kind of "firewall rules" and can we use original Apache syntax (or should be avoided "FilesMatch" part?)? Below are examples. ### START - [Security] Server file lock - Blocked access to ".ht" files <FilesMatch "^\.ht"> Deny from...
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    Proper CORS syntax

    Hello, What will be proper CORS syntax in Console for .htaccess formated syntax below <FilesMatch "\.(?:ttf|eot|woff|otf)$"> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" </FilesMatch>
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    .htaccess in OLS dummy question

    As far as I can see, .htaccess is not fully supported in OLS (it is in Enterprise) and it should to mean (if I get well "full support" meaning) that many settings should be directly set in .htaccess. However, when I add my settings in .htaccess, nothing is changed. It is obvious how OLS make...
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    Error: test wordpress HTTP first page failed

    Hello, 1-Click Install on Ubuntu 22 on Oracle Cloud and cloud fail with: Error: test wordpress HTTP first page failed. Error: test wordpress HTTPS first page failed. I used wget && bash
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    OLS with Matomo on GCP

    What will be the solution to install 'clean' OLS server on Ubuntu (or whatever) on Google Cloud Platform? On marketplace is WP, Django, ... but can't see any 'clean' image. I think that I should to use simple Ubuntu server with ols1clk script, but have no idea how to set the install command...
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    GCP - How to create ppk file for FileZilla?

    Hello, Does anyone know how to create a ppk file for FileZilla?